However, our little silky rooster has had quite the week... poor fellow......
I went down to do chores one morning last week, and found him stuck in the door of the chicken pen. I am thinking that he flew up to chase the other chickens away and somehow got his foot stuck in the chicken wire. Having five toes, silkies have big feet and his foot got caught, he was hanging upside down by his stuck foot. Because he was so still, I was pretty sure he was dead, and I called Ed down to give me a hand at untangling him. Well, when we went to move him, he was alive... and just had the good sense to hold still (thankfully the other birds did not attack him in this bad situation)....
but, he certainly was "hurt"... and I wasn't sure if the leg was broken, sprained or what. We decided to put him in a dog crate and just give him a few days to rest and see what happened. So far, it looks like he's going to pull threw.. he is beginning to stand on his leg and is eating and drinking. Before he is put back with the others, though, I want to be sure he is strong. One thing about chickens.. they're basically not nice and any sign of weakness in another bird.. makes them a victim for sure. I like this little chap, so I want to be certain he is back in control - or at least take it back when he is ready to join the rest. All I can say, he is one tough little guy....