Saturday, February 16, 2008

stormy night

It was a dark and stormy night, the ice pelleted against the window, the wind howled....

AND three students from my Advanced Training class showed up for their graduation!!!! When I asked them "why" did they come out on such a night, they gave me this puzzled look, oh ya, I was "out" too!!!! So, congradulations for not only coming out on such a yucky night, but for doing excellent work in their course... teams are from left to right... Pat and Orien, Rick and Mindy, Amara and Bella!!!!

The next day was Valentine's day. Since Ken had a snowmobile trip planned, Ed took the day "off" from the barn, and we went "barn shopping"!!!! Because it is still early to buy too many things, I only picked up a few items like buckets, cross ties and the hardware that goes with them, but we were able to do a fair amount of "window" shopping and got an idea of what some of the other things will cost. Stall mats for example.... way pricey!!! So, I am going to do some calling around on them and see who has the best price!!!! Guess I better save some more pennies!!!!

Just so the buckets wouldn't be rolling around in the truck for the next few days, we decided to run them up to the barn....

but to our surprise... this is what greeted us at the gate!!! I forget sometimes the difference between "coastal weather and inland weather", where we had sleet ... they had ice!!! and everything was heavily coated!!!

This birch tree at the end of the drive is a favorite of mine, I was pretty sad to see it in such a state, and only hope that no real damage was done.... have to wait for spring on that one. The town was without power, a fairly common occurance (which is why we have a generator that will power the house when needed!!!) And even though it's a "dangerous" thing, you can't help but see the beauty when the world is "made of glass".

Needless to say, we didn't get into the barn, Ed had to go back and open things up with the tractor (thank the Good Lord for that little tractor!!!!) So, for now, the buckets are still rolling around in the back of my truck...

but, now I have an "excuse" to run up to the barn!!!!