Saturday, October 15, 2011

love visitors!!!

One day last summer, one of the drivers at the post office, was telling me about his beautiful little daughter, and how much she loves animals. I told Darren that he just had to bring her to the farm for a visit, because animals... are things that we have. Every now again, when I was working and he brought the mail in... I would remind him that he had to bring her to the farm. Well.. today they came. They had spent the morning apple picking and knowing they were close by, popped over to say hello. His little girl was a sweet as they come, and so enjoyed meeting "everyone".. dogs, cats, birds.. and of course... horses....

Right away, she fell in love with Mocha. We are so lucky, because Mocha is absolutely child safe... I snapped a lead rope on her, and said... "have fun"... and the two of them were off.. walking all around the farm. (Love this photo... who has the longest pony tail???)

Mocha loved all the attention, and of course the opportunity to get a bit of green grass....

I hope they get the chance to come back again... I just love seeing folks enjoying our pets as much as we do.

so why.. since we have "cockers" did we need to put a fence that is six feet tall??? Because we have more than two legged visitors... we have many four footed ones as well.. and not all of them are cocker sized....

Great Dane anyone??? This is a client's five month old puppy who came to stay for the weekend. She had a grand time and it was so nice to see her out playing in the yard and not having any worries about her safety...

And more four footed... Mary came to Abbie's birthday party (next blog) and brought Banjo's sisters with her.

The Chessie's always enjoy a good run in the field.. and us...

we always love company!!!!!!!!!!!!!