I am looking for a ... HORSE.... a "white" horse to be exact, and somewhere under all that hair (and dirt) he is there. It has been a daily search, and layer by layer, I think I am finally getting down to "him".
"poor ol' Sil"... when I bought him 11 years ago (this month in fact) my first words when I saw him was...."he's white??" I just knew that a "white" horse would be trouble!!!! Not in his temperment, mind you, in his "keeping clean!!!" and this has proven correct. Tonka on the other hand, can get away with a "ton of dirt" and you don't even know it!!!!
So, a sure sign of spring for me....
horse hair all over the floor.....
and for the old boy... well, he is there somewhere, but I still have a few more days of "looking" (ie: grooming!!!!)