Sunday, May 06, 2007

YCKC show weekend

What in the world are these people doing??? If you have never watch a rally competition, this might look rather strange to you... but really, it's quite simple..... you see, before the judging begins in the rally obedience, you are allowed to walk the course, and see what signs (stations) you will be judged on. Most of us, as we walk the course, actaully behave as though our dogs were with us... so, as Ed, Kassy, Sadie and MaryJane looked on.. they found it rather entertaining, and could probably for the most part, figure out the names of the dogs that would be showing from the way the people were talking!!!!!!

I really enjoy this weekend of dog shows. It's like old home week, so many of my dog friends are there with their dogs, competing and just enjoying the whole dog show scene. It's not like I don't see these folks often, but it might be one of the few times, where you can actually spend some time talking and enjoying each other's company (unless you are due in the ring!!)

Here, Moxie and I are on the course.... she's doing well, staying with me and paying attention... (they say people look like their dogs.......

However, once in a while, she thinks that she might do a better job on her own.... and actually, she might be right, because on this course, (which we did at Saturday's show) I gave her the wrong command.... she did it perfectly, but "we" lost 10 points for not doing the right thing.... we did earn a leg towards our title, just not her usual high score.... silly owner!!!!!!

new title!!!!

Here, Moxie is with MaryJane... her breeder!!! MaryJane tries to attend at least one of Moxie's shows to cheer her on and just stay up to date on all her doings. Moxie is so funny whenever she sees MaryJane... she has, for all these years, always remembered her and gets so excited when they are together!!! MaryJane still has one of Moxie's sisters, and her Mother!!!

and here we are with our judge, Celeste Meade. Moxie finished her Rally Advance title on Sunday at the York County Kennel Club shows in Acton. On Saturday, she scored an 82 (out of 100)... we would have done much better, but I messed up on one of the stations!!! Moxie did exactly what I told her to do... too bad I told her wrong.... On Sunday, she earned her third leg with a score of 95, taking a third placement. (we look like we are bundled up for winter... even though the day was beautiful and somewhat sunny.... there was a very cold, sharp wind blowing all day long... doesn't take too much to get chilled) It was a fun weekend... guess we are onto Rally Excellent next......