This is Nora, Kass and Nate's kitty, playing the tunes!!! A hidden talent that I haven't actually heard!!! But I understand that she is "quite good".
Kas is back in NC, waiting for Nate to arrive, then they will be back in Maine the first of the week. Charlie has been "left behind" with me. Walking dogs the past few days has been interesting... I am lazy, so I take five with me. I feel a little guilty leaving Tazzy and Tatter at home, but the five are about all I care to handle in one load. And the two puppies play fairly well together, so they do get their exercise!!!
The snow is dropping quick. The sidewalks are very wet, and the cockers come in dirty. But I hate not walking them.. they need to get out, and it's good for me too!! Just will have to put up with pawprints on the floor, and white coats that look a little gray!!!
I was so excited on my walk today, I saw pussywillows in bloom. (I wanted to get my camera and get some shots of them...maybe tomorrow). I love pussywillows.... certainly a sign of spring!!! I also saw a robin!!! so nice to see the birds returning and beginning their songs..... maybe Nora can play for them!!!!