Wednesday, March 16, 2011

not much new

So, the days of March are "marching" along. It's been a "snowier" March than it was last year... one day we have mud and the next day we have snow. But with daylight savings time in effect now, it is lighter at the end of the day, and that somehow, seems to be the heart and soul back in you. Abbie is now a "real little person" and she just has a way of entertaining us on a daily basis. She says so many words now, and comes up with more and more on a weekly basis. She plays all kinds of games and has a real interest in many different toys.

Her latest thing is playing with "her horses". She loves to have you sit on the floor with her and make the horses "run and climb". Anytime she sees our horses out in the field, she makes a clicking sound with her tongue. Guess that what she thinks the "horses says!!!" I can't wait to find a little helmet for her and get her on that pony of ours......

My pantry is up and running!!!! I am still in the sorting out mode, and trying to decide what things should be in there, and what things should stay in the kitchen. I think it will be a work in progress for a little while anyways. I am pleased with the color, and chose these drawer pulls to finish it off. (We have also installed all the baby locks on the cabinets.... little fingers have a way of getting into things these days!!!)

One of our local seasonal restaurants has recently opened again (YA!!!) so, we had to just go and get a taste of summer. Abbie got to try her very first summer ice cream.... She was pretty proud of herself, using a spoon and getting that wonderful taste in her mouth. And she nearly ate the whole thing!!!!

We might be ready for spring, but ol winter isn't done with us yet. The nice thing is, the days are warmer, so the snow never lasts that long.... but it's just a little disheartening when it arrives again.....

saturday night supper

Saturday evening, the senior group in our town hosted a corn beef and cabbage supper as a fund raiser, and held it at town hall. Now, I'm not one for corn beef and cabbage (or bean suppers either for that matter), but there's just something about joining in on a "town event".. so we went. I thought there was a pretty good crowd, ( I heard later, that they were pretty disappointed in the numbers.) and of course, there were lots of folks there that we know.

I brought Ginger along, she - like Chester - is getting to be pretty well known around town, and so much so, that where ever I go, people ask "where's your golden". This was the first time she attended a public dinner, and I think some of the folks were surprised to see how well behaved she was. She snuggled under the table, and you never even knew she was there.

After we ate, and a number of the people had gone along, I did "allow" her to do some visiting. To a golden, there is nothing better in the world than someone paying attention to you.

It was a pretty night, not too cold, and not a ton of snow... course, we're all waiting for that wonderful weather. OH, and happy St. Patrick days.. and the corn beef... well it happened to be very good!!!! and I have now changed my mind about it....