Tuesday, December 23, 2008

one of my favorite days...

For many,many years, December 23rd has been one of my most favorite days of the year, the reason being is... Christmas is so very close, but hasn't quite begun. All the surprises, happenings and memories are yet to come, it's the "looking forward" day!!! My kids always thought this was a bit strange, but I think now that they are a bit older they can appreciate my thought behind it. We call it "the day before the day before..." and this morning both my girls made a point of contacting me to wish me a happy "day before the day before!!!"

Ed had an early morning doctor's appointment in York, so we were on the road first thing and decided to use the trip to finish up some errands in Portsmouth. He took me out to lunch (in celebration of "my" day) and we got our errands done. It was early afternoon before we were home again, and we needed to pop down to the farm to take care of the horses and check on the guys. As I pulled onto the property I could hear a saw running, but I noticed right away... another sound was MISSING!!!! NO generator!!! which could only mean one thing... we have REAL power!!! I ran over to check the meter and sure enough.... it was running!!!!! Finally!! I know the CMP guys have had a long trek with all the storms and such, but lugging water, banging out frozen buckets (that don't freeze when they are plugged in!!!) racing thru chores in the evening so you can still see... was getting old. Now, my dear friend Betty works for CMP in another department, and she took it on herself to do some snooping and see what the hold up was with our order. Basically, there wasn't any "real reason" why we hadn't been finished up, and she began to "squawk" at some of the higher ups for us. Ed was also calling and being a "polite pain in the neck"... and yesterday, we finally got an answer that we would have power by the 30th, maybe sooner. But, I am quite certain that because of Betty.... the "sooner" turned out to be today!!! I almost cried when I thought of what this means!!!! suddenly, barn chores have become almost easy. The horses took long drinks of semi warm water tonite, I fed with the lights on.... it was wonderful!!! A real present on my favorite day for sure!!!!

Then Ed told me to take a quick look at our chimney, and waiting there was the mantel.... all in place!!! It's called "blue stone", and it looks beautiful!!!

Ken and crew were working roof top again. The plan is to have roof framing the first of next week.
So, a number of wonderful Christmas gifts have arrived early for me....lights, mantel and almost roof... what more could I ask for??
OH... and in case you didn't notice... the daylight was one minute longer today!!!