Today, after church... I was just itching to get the sleigh out again. That wonderful snow we had a few days back was calling... and beside that.. the temps today were so mild, you just had to be outside. So, down to the barn we went, pulled the sleigh out and began to hitch.
Abbie could hardly wait to go. She jumped right in the sleigh and kept yelling "come on Baby, let's go!!!"
Mocha and Kringle were enjoying the mild temps too....

My sister Rachel had made a comment that she would like to know about our next outing. So, I gave her a call this am.. and she and Naomi came up to join us. Abbie was so thrilled to have her cousin come for a ride with her.
Duke was such a good boy. He trucked right along and gave us several rides around the field.
The snow was pretty soft, so it was a hard pull. Good thing he's a big boy........
Can you tell that we're having a good time......
These are the kind of afternoons that you remember forever.......
Our rooster.... "Charles Henry Cackleberry the second".... showing off with one of his gals.....
Sadie and Mona.......
After an afternoon of sleigh rides, and horse play.. it was time for a good visit, playing together and hot cocoa......
and what game do you play..... horses of course!!!!