Tuesday, March 23, 2010

long blog, part one

I thought this was kind of a funny picture, I was feeding Abbie the other day and looked down to see this... both our feet up and crossed (in the same direction)....

Anywho,,,, our dear friend Josh has just been promoted at his work.. a rather excellent promotion and even though we are MORE than thrilled for him... we are sad, because it means that he must move away from all of us.He's not leaving the state, but it's a drive and so, being able to just have him pop in and see us, won't be so easy anymore.

In celebration of this promotion, Josh's Mom planned a get together so we had the chance to say "see you and best wishes" (we hate goodbyes) it was a fun evening and I love getting photos like this of the "kids"... er .. young folk!! they are all good friends and such great people!!! Here we have Nate&Kass, Diana, Josh and Mike. WE are so proud of them all, they are really making their way out there in the "big world"

These two.. they have been the best of friends since birth!!!

so, best wishes - Joshie - we'll keep in touch and will wait for anytime you make your way back to the "south"....

ONE of our girls has been working overtime.. look at the jumbo egg we found a few days ago. Course, even the regular eggs are good... but this was a real beauty.

I for one, appreciate their efforts... nothing like fresh eggs for breakfast!!!

Ed has been "bugging" me to cook up one of the turkeys. So, on Sunday he pulled one out of the freezer.. it will take almost a week to unthaw.. it's now in the frig and I will cook it up sometime towards the end of the week. I don't know why he chose such a big one... just said it was the one he wanted.. therefore... I guess it is... but it's going to take me a whole day to cook it!!!!

long blog, part 2

continuing from the first blog.... We continue to plod along at the house. We're doing quite well, though this "June" move in date seems to be coming faster than we are working. Ed has all the sheet rocking done in the main part of the house, as well as the mud and tape and sanding (I have been putting extra hours in at work, so I fear my "house work" has been slacking). But I do grab the paint brush and work to catch up with him during any spare moment. This week I am working on the upstairs bathrooms, closets and hallway... this our bath .. with Camille supervising as always.

We also try and stay ahead on the clean up. One because we get tired of walking around it, and two, when it's done.. we want it all done. We are little cautious of throwing out any small pieces that might fit in other places, but, not all the small pieces are of use. This is what our bedroom looked like until...

We got Sadie and Tom to do a little throwing out for us. It was kind of a "fun" job, because Ed merely opened a window, parked the truck below and had them chuck it out!!! Much easier than hauling it down the stairs!!!!

They broke it into small pieces and it landed quite well in the truck bed....

"Miss Chicken" had to come and see what all the noise was about.

As did the rest of the flock!!! Quaker, Pilgrim and the "other two guinea hens"... they love being outside and roaming around. I just hope no "critters" get them, but that's the chance I take with "free roaming".. and I do want them to get all the ticks and bugs that they can!!!!

Ed has also continued the "dog tub" project and now has it all hooked in for draining and water running (we just have to make the water hot.. but that's another project).. I asked Camille to model in the tub.. but I don't think she was very excited to do it!!!!

And speaking of water... we have plenty. Last week's rain storm and another one today has brought us many inches of rain. Fortunately we are doing OK in this department, but so many folks - including my boss at the post office - are having a hard time managing it. I wonder that the lake doesn't "overflow", but I guess it is in some ways... creating this "other" little pond across the road. It's only the end of March so this could all still be snow, and I am glad it isn't, but some may not agree with me.

Well, off to the house and my paint brush once again..... I can't wait for the day when I can simply sit and enjoy... it's coming.. I know....