Wednesday, September 30, 2009

end of the month (again)

Goodness, here we are at the end of another month!!! I hardly know where all the time goes, and I know that I have said that before!!! I had hoped that we would be talking about moving into our new house by now, but things have changed - as they always seem to do with building projects - and we know for certain, that we won't be in the house this fall. So, keeping with a positive attitude we have decided that it's back to the big camp... most likely for the winter, and talk about the house move come spring. This way, we have the whole winter to work in the house and get things ready, and not rush or stress ourselves with some "must do" time schedule. Is it a little disappointing... sure, but having done some smaller building projects before, Ed and I know that you just got to do, what you got to do.. and let it be... so we are!!!!

Monday - the 28th- was Ed's first official day as the Fire Chief here in town. He has been so excited for this day, and in just the few days that the "town has been his".. he already knows how much he will enjoy this. He has received a lot of support from not just his new fire company, but many of the town folks, and of course, many of our friends and his firefighter buddies from all over.

To celebrate "his" day, Sadie and I picked up a little cake and brought it home the other evening. Now, you might notice that there is a small "bite" taken out of the cake...

Well, Banjo!!!! Sadie decorated the cake at Kassy's while I was teaching dog classes. Then Sadie and Kas got busy with something else, and not paying attention, Banjo just thought he would "test" that cake for us. silly dog!!!!

So we brought it home.. and I don't think that Ed really minded that his grand doggie had already had a taste!!!

There will probably be future stories of my Ed as Fire chief....

OK... so I have probably gone a little over the edge when I tell you this next story. Camille for some reason, is in love with COWS!!! Maybe it's because she looks a little like one with her brown and white.. or maybe it's because we have horses and not cows... I don't really know what the thing is here, but she loves them. When I drive over to my Tuesday night dog classes, I have found some wonderful back roads to use, taking us right thru cow country. The moment we turn onto the road, she sits right up and looks and looks for cows!!! Often times, she does get a little too excited and I have to speak to her.

Yesterday, I had to run to the grain store before going to class. The tricky thing is, the grain store closes long before I need to get to class.. so, when I do this errand.. I have sometime on my hands.

As we were driving towards the grain store, I saw that in one of our cow fields, the cows were grazing very close to the road. So.. after I got the grain, I thought that if they were still close, I would pull over and let Cam enjoy them for a little while. She was absolutely beside herself.. and even though these pictures aren't great, you might notice that I had to keep the window up some, for fear she would jump right out of the truck to run and see them.

Now, I couldn't have anyone know that I had pulled over so my DOG could watch the cows. so... I got my cell phone out and pretended that I was talking on the phone. I was glad I did, because a number of cars passed by very slowly with the "do you have a problem?" look, and I just waved and smiled and continued to pretend that I was talking!!!!

I know, I know....... I've gone over the edge!!!! But the good thing you can know... If I will stop so my little dog can do some "cow watching".. I will probably be one of "those Grandmothers".. who do all sort of silly things like this for my grandbabies.. and Ed will be showing off the firetrucks....

Hey.. that's it... I didn't really stop for Cammie,... I was just practicing for the future!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

the fair -by day and night

The last time we attended the Rochester Fair was two years ago. Kas had entered a radio contest called "Mrs. Rochester Fair", (she was living at home that summer while Nate was deployed) and we all went to "root her on". She actually won the contest and ended up with some pretty nice prizes because of it. We got to see the fair, and had an enjoyable night. We didn't attend the fair last year, if I remember correctly, "everyone" had just moved and I think we were still at the "settling in"stage.

This year, found us at the fair again, but my time spent there began in the morning... as a judge!!! I had been asked to judge the obedience classes for the 4H dog handlers and I was more than happy to do so. I get great joy in watching the children work with their dogs!! I don't know if I make a very good judge, as I would send them all home with blue ribbons, but I guess I did a good job.

I met with my "staff" first thing and went over my "game plan" for judging. (don't know when I have ever had this much help at a show!!!) Everyone was great, and the kids did a super job.

This little guy was showing for his first time not only was his dog a Beagle (which can be a "tough" little dog) but the dog was older than the handler!!! They did quite well, and took second .

This class was the "more experienced" handlers, it's nice to see how serious these kids are, and yet excellent sportmans as well. Quite a diverse group of dogs as well.

I admire the fact that they show their dogs in rings were "other animals" have been, it can be hard to keep your dog's attention with "horsie poop" on the ground!!! or cows walking by, sheep bleating in the back ground, or truck pulls going on right next dog. But they manage to do it!!!!

There was a total of 16 dog/handlers, so that's a pretty good turn out. After I was done judging, Sadie and I went and got some lunch (met up with Kelli and Rick) and then headed back home to do chores, take care of the dogs, and get ready to head back to the fair for the evening.

I wanted to be sure and catch the pig scramble. Rick was helping out with that, so we knew the time and the where... and we didn't want to miss it.

This little piggie is #8.. and "he" was in the scramble. I don't know who caught him, but they got a sweet little critter, he was very personable.

The rules for the scramble are very strict. Only children can do the scramble and must be between the ages of 8-12. They are very stern about "how a piggie" is caught and go over the rules before each one. Along with the kids that are working for a pig, there had to have been at least 15 adults in the ring, acting as judges and making sure that everyone played according to the rules. I was impressed.
They had two scrambles... 10 children in each one and 5 piggies....

And if you have never seen a piggie run - let me just say --- they are FAST. The whole thing was over in no time, and 10 kids have a piggie to raise for the next year. When you catch one, you must keep it and raise it for the entire year, it can not be sold before that time, or given away (or killed).. after the one year, then it is up to the kids what they wish to do, but the first year is the obligation.

There's always much to see and do at the fair.
Sadie and Kelli made friends with the giraffe

And I don't know what got into me, but I thought it would be fun to ride the Ferris wheel. I haven't been on one in years, this one had different seats, and we could all ride together, so I wanted to go.

Is that a look of "terror"? I had forgotten just how high they went. Actually it was quite fun, and you certainly got a bird's eye view of the entire fair ground.

Rick and Kelli seemed a bit calmer!!!
(nice photo you two!!!)

The whole evening went by in a flash, it was getting late and we were all tired by the end of the night. Looks like this little guy had a long day (week) too....

and so we bid goodnight to the fair until it comes around next year...

Friday, September 25, 2009

another mile stone

This was our house on 9/24/08

And today, 9/25/09 -- we happened to find ourselves at the place where it all begins...


We had some left over items that arrived with the house that we are not going to use. We talked with the company, and they said we could return these items for a refund.

All summer this has been on our "to do" list, and today, we decided it was time to get them turned in. It was such a pretty ride, and it was fun to see where our house had been "put together"....

"Hello Crowley family" whoever you are... looks like your house is packed and will soon be on it's way...
hope your project goes as well as our's has....


"poor baby Abbie"...

Inspired by this.....

Her "grandmother" made her .... THIS!!!!

And asked her "moosie" to model it .. until she gets here!!!
If she could only see what she is in for, she might change her mind about joining this "crazy" family!!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

movin' dirt

It's funny how people look at things, and this has happened time and time again with our building project. I see "something" that I "want done now" and Ed sees another thing that he "would like done now". For example... dirt piles. I know I have mentioned them before, and I know they are a necessary evil, but I just "hate" seeing all those piles sitting around all over the farm!!! I think it make the place look like a "construction zone" (oh ya, it IS a construction zone).. but I don't like them just the same. And, for me, having them moved and flattened out will be a big deal!!!

Ed's "big deal" was getting the house completed vinyled!!! He couldn't wait to see it all weather tight and finished!! And to know that aside from a few doorway trims, it will never have to be painted or"maintained"... it's done!!!

So, that "wish" came true last week. The vinyl is completely done, including sending the lift back. And if you look carefully in this photo, just the white trim around the two front doors need paint, but other than that, all "outside" work on the house is done.

And that leads to the next "dilemma".. what do we do next?? The sheet rock project is well underway thanks to some long weekends (and extra help) and of course that needs to be done. BUT, we're into some really good weather right now, and it's good time to move dirt!!! So, Ed is trying to divide himself between the two projects... dirt moving and sheet rocking!!! The game plan is, if the dirt can be moved and settled, we might even have a bit of "growing time" and could get a jump on the lawn. Which would be a good idea for next spring's rain and "mud season"... and of course, it would be much easier to plow if you don't have to dodge dirt piles.

God Bless our little green tractor!!! Because it has been chugging along, and bit by bit, the dirt is being moved. I see a big difference in just a few afternoons of work!!! and I am so excited to see "my project" happening. The house is beginning to
"come down".. I feel like it has been sticking up in the air with all the dirt moved away from it, and now it's beginning to look more normal. It's fun too, to begin our landscaping ideas, and figuring out where we will put things. We have a couple of rock walls to make, (in order to use all those great rocks we have "found", and it will help move the water and such into the places that we want it to go) I would like to plant some trees and the like, and perhaps put in a garden or two. Now that the "land" is beginning to "show", I can almost see these projects!!! AND, it won't be long before we can see the front of the house and not have it hidden behind great mounds of dirt!!!

OH.. "MR. G" has been a busy guy lately. Aside from his usual job of protecting his chickens, Mocha and the barn yard in general.. ridding the world of yucky bugs, and just being his handsome self (can you tell that I am really fond of this bird!!!)..he has also kept track of other bird members of the farm.

We moved all the babies into the big stall after the turkeys went to Turkey Manor. So, the Silkies, the Rocks and the Keets, have been all together. At first there was some scuffles as to "who was whom", but they have all settled in. The keets really aren't "keets" anymore, and have gown almost to their adult size... and SOUND!!! Sadly, out of the original six that I bought, only two have survived, and I am pretty sure one is a hen and the other a cockerel. Anyways, when they get "singing" Mr. G. comes running, and he can't wait to get to meet them. I, however, am being a bit smarter this time, and these birds will not be going outside until next spring. I am NOT having another winter where we are trying to get birds out of the pine trees to come in at night, nor worry about them getting cold or eaten. So, these guys are staying in. Besides, if that hen begins to lay next spring, I would like to try and raise my own little group of keets. So, Mr. G. will have be happy peeking thru the door and saying his hellos that way.

I have also found it quite funny at the way he hangs out around Turkey Manor. I would like to know what he is telling these guys, or maybe he is just showing off that he has the freedom to roam around the farm and they don't. Course, I'm not really sure that they care.... but, I don't think he would really want to tangle with them... you can see how much bigger they are. I "fear" they won't be with us much longer, they're beginning to eat us out of house and home, and I am already wondering if some of them will fit in the oven.....

but that's another blog......

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

weekend report - part 2

Saturday afternoon, we were at "old" house, or rather - Kas and Nate's house!!! for a very special event. Dave turned 50 (technically on Tuesday the 22nd) but the kids had planned a party for him on Saturday. Now "being Dave", a black tie affair just wouldn't have been his style. So, a cookout with family, good friends and food fit the bill so much better. He even had soda bottled in his honor.

It was however, a catered affair - by the "hot dog man"!!! He came with his rig, set it up right in the driveway, and everyone just ordered what they wanted. He actually had more than just hot dogs, and it was all so good. Then along with the hot dogs, Deb, Kass and Lauren had made all sorts of wonderful salads and snacks, and of course.... cake.

We're pretty sure that Dave wasn't totally surprised, Nate had "invited" him over to help with yard work... but I am sure he was surprised to see what everyone had come up with for his birthday.

and how many people came to celebrate with him

Nice looking group of men!!!

After the party, Nate's uncle John (Dave's brother) wanted to take a little spin on Nate's bike and before too long, he found himself giving rides to everyone. I wasn't so surprised when I saw the kids going out with him... but when Dave's MOM!!! hopped (and I mean hopped) on the back of it, I was shocked. I don't know why I was so surprised, she is always one that is up for an adventure.. but the back of a bike!!! She had a great time.. it was just too funny!!!

the weather couldn't have been better, people stayed for quite a while, and the afternoon went by much too fast. Happy 50th Dave!!!!!

Now on Sunday NASCAR was back in New England, so of course Ed was off to the races early in the morning. He always likes to invite different people to go with him, and this time he had asked Rick if he would like to go. We discovered a side of Rick that we never knew about... he's a racing fan!!! He mostly knew about drag racing, but was more than happy to tag along with Ed.

The track always has some sort of entertainment to keep the fans happy. There is generally a concert and other such things... this time... it was the Budweiser Clydesdale horses!!! I wished I could have seen them. Ed did get these shots with his camera phone, but a picture just doesn't do it justice!! I can just imagine the "sound" of these beautiful animals trotting by... goodness, had I known they were there, I would have gone just for that!!!!

I hear the race was very exciting.. and again perfect weather just made a great day for Ed and Rick.

I - on the other hand - was about to chuck my phone out the window. Sadie and I told Kelli that we would do a girl thing since the boys were playing at the track. Well.. I don't know what's with the answering service that we have, but we didn't get Kelli's message until almost dinner time. I was so mad.. she was waiting for us to call her back, and we were waiting for her to call.... so, we all "lost the afternoon" together. (I am still stewing over it)... but, we'll do a make up day and hit the quilt and cross stitch shops for sure!!!!!!

And it's getting close to baby Abbie time. Sadie and I spent Sunday afternoon, getting some things moved back into the big camp, and going thru some of the things that she has collected for baby Abbie. This cool sling was sent out by my friend Linda.. it's great for infants. Since we didn't have a clue as to how to use it, we decided to try and figure it out. I think we got it right, and we tested it with Mona - who is our biggest cat - because we thought she might be about the same size as baby Abbie will be. Mona looked pretty comfy in the sling, just hope she doesn't get the "wrong" idea of who really belongs in there.

So, another busy week ahead... got to get settled in back next door, got to get a crew to take docks out of the lake, and begin to think of "coolish weather" and yes... winter.......

Monday, September 21, 2009

weekend report... part 1

Sometimes, I "hate" weekends -- in that we either have "millions" of great things to do, or we have "nothing" to do.. wouldn't it be nice if once in a while, a weekend could "balance " out, but they never seem to.
So, this was one of those "millions of great things to do" weekends, starting with the Apple Fest that is hosted by our little town. I was up fairly early, got our pies to the church and saw that the pancake breakfast there was hopping. Vendors and crafters were arriving and setting up their wares in the church parking lot, and you could hear the tractors and like beginning to run in the orchards. I got the barn chores done, and was returning to camp when I saw that the "airport" (which is behind our farm) was also offering a pancake breakfast.

Ed and Sadie were waiting when I got back, and when they had their choice of "which" breakfast to try, we opted for the airport. I haven't been back there but once or twice and Sadie has never seen it, so, we thought we would check it out.

The airport was offering a breakfast (and a nice one at that) but basically it was for the "fly ins"... people had arrived in all sorts of small planes, to visit with each other, enjoy a beautiful day of flying and to have breakfast. I didn't count exactly how many planes were there, but my guess would be around 20.
As we ate, we watched some of the plane come and go, and then took a little tour around them ourselves. They're beautiful little planes, and really small!!!! I have been up in a "small" plane, but I had forgotten just how small they really are. I got some good video of different planes taking off after breakfast, but for some reason "blogger" won't down load them, so you'll just have to enjoy the photos.

I found this sign interesting, the elevation of the airport is 705 feet above sea level.. (if I am reading that correctly???) which means our farm would be the same elevation...

I guess, from what we heard in various conversations, that often at these "fly ins" the pilots will take you for a ride. However, the wind was really (really) strong and so the offer was not open this time. There were two little boys that had been looking forward to their flight and were so disappointed that they couldn't go up. But I saw their disappointment turn to smiles, when "their" pilot made plans to take them up on Sunday when the wind is suppose to be calmer. I still haven't decided if I would go up if I had the offer... Ed would for sure, but I don't know.

We stayed longer than planned at the airport (just having too much fun I guess!!!) and we had to be in York for the afternoon... so, by the time we left, we couldn't get back to the church in order to check things out there. (bummer!!!!) It looked quite busy as we drove by... oh well, maybe next year!!!

There's another "fly in" coming up in October, I got a flyer on it, but if we should "forget" I somehow think all the little planes buzzing over the farm will remind us.......

and then onto the afternoon.... but THATs another blog!!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

morning routine

Most mornings Ed is the one that "opens" the barn up. Because he is working at the house, he'll do the morning chores which allows me time to get "house things" done. It works out nice and I certainly love the way we work together with this "farm thing".

He's been telling me that the turkeys have discovered the shelf that is in Turkey Manor. We used it as a little work bench when the shed was in it's "other life" and we just left it there for the birds.

I guess the past few mornings as he arrives to let the birds out for the day, he has seen that they have found the shelf and the window. And they sit there, peeking out as if to say... "I wish the "Butler" would show up and open this door and serve breakfast." I caught them doing it this morning when I went to do chores and got this photo with my phone.
When we open the door, they file out.. sort of looks like Noah's Ark with them all coming down the little ramp!!! But, the best news is, they are getting used to going in at night as well.. so Ed has fewer and fewer birds to wrestle in each night. We'll just get them trained and then... well.... they'll be "gone".... :-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

finishing touches.

As of today, the outside of the house will be "officially" done!!! Ed Is working there this am, but these are the pictures that I got late yesterday afternoon. The antique hinges look so nice, Ed painted them a flat black and size wise, they fit the door perfectly.

I am now on the hunt for some type of "latch" to go on the center of the door, so it really does appear that you could open it. We weren't so sure if we would need one there, but I think it would just finish the whole look off.

The "entry" porch, which leads into the mud room, only needed one more "course". The shingles that we used here, were left overs from the barn!!! We had a few boxes and when I was picking out the vinyl I thought those might go nice here. I have a "thing" about "extras" just laying about, and when we saw we could "use them up" here, it was a great idea.

It helps "break up" the two bigger part of the house, and just adds a different look. The color was so close to the house and in some way it also ties the house to the barn. (I know, what is this "thing" about matching buildings and tying things together?????)

Today, Sadie and I have pies to do for the church, and we are going to start moving back next door to the big camp... pretty much have decided that we WONT be in this house this fall... ohhhh wellll.....