Friday, August 27, 2010

truck show and anniversary

One thing about all this unpacking business is finding all the "goodies".Things I knew I had, but didn't have a clue as to where they might be, even in the old house. Going thru the boxes is sort of like Christmas, though I am still looking for certain things... but I guess that just makes me want to continue to unpack, to find the things that are still "missing".

One thing I came across was this little bonnet and another one much like it. I made this bonnet for Sadie, and did one for Kassy as well. I actually made several of them, because at the time, a number of my friends were having babies as well. The bonnet fits Abbie perfectly, so it makes me think I should do one just for her, though wearing her Mom's is special too. It's in good shape, and it got a lot of use, so I guess it can hold up!!!

Now, the Sunday after the Firemen's Muster is always the Barrington Truck show. Ed likes to go to see the trucks, and I enjoy it too, because there is a great quilt shop, general store and gifts shops close by. We also get to visit with friends, and it's always a nice time. This year, it happened to fall on our 29th wedding anniversary, so it was a fun thing to do for that.

Here is another one of my hubby's babies!!! A 1919 Garford. This truck was originally owned by a local lumber company, and we actually knew the son of the owner, and he could tell us all sorts of stories of this wonderful old truck. He could remember the truck actually working, delivering and fetching lumber orders. He also commented on how much "faster" it was than the horses when it was new!!!! Maybe it was faster (no horse to tend to after a long day of work).. but it certainly isn't any more comfortable - I think our own horse drawn wagon is more comfortable than this!!!!

Either way, when Ed tried to get "her" running to take to the truck show, she was being very co-operative. So, having other things to do, he gave up and just decided to tinker with her later and maybe get her to the truck show next year. But our good friends, Chris and Coz surprised us by loading her on their trailer and bringing her to the show.

Brother Bill and his good friend, Al, tinkered with her at the show, and found it to be "something simple". So, with a little TLC, they got her running. She had a lot of admirers at the show - many folks "know" this truck and people were happy to see it out and about. Sadly the day was cut a bit short but rainy weather, but we still had a good time.

After the show, Ed and I had a nice dinner together, and all in all our anniversary was a quiet one. Just being together was the most important thing anyways.

It's a busy week ahead, three days to cover at the post office and then the fair!!! another week will zip by I am sure.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

94th annual Firemen's Muster...

It might be the 94th Muster for this event, but for me.. it was the 50th!!! I have never missed one Firemen's Muster since I was born.. and this year was no exception. In some ways, it's the same old-same old... but in other ways, it's tradition and a "big part" of my life, and I am so happy to always be involved. The day began with the unloading of "Protection II"... an old hand tub that is owned by the "Red Shirts".. and a piece of fire apparatus that Ed is in charge of keeping and storing. Each year, she is rolled out of her protected home, the Red Shirts come and polish her brass... she is pulled threw the parade, and then she is tuck away again until the next year.
This year, however, she will make a second appearance on September 11th for another event, which I will blog about when it gets here.

We all met at Kassy and Nate's and then walked up to watch the parade. I brought Chester and Camille along. I wasn't sure how either one would "do".. this parade is LOUD!!! Just imagine.. firemen "playing" with their trucks and you can pretty much figure how quiet this parade isn't!!! But they both did very well, and Chester was quite interested in the candy that folks were throwing out to the kids...

Here we all are.. waiting for the parade to begin!!!!

And - as usual - the Red Shirts and Protection II lead the parade... followed by a whole line of all sorts of fire equipment!!!!

Year after year, the trucks seem to get bigger and fancier. Technology has certainly kept up in the field of fire fighting.

After the parade it's on to the "field" for the firemen's games. Things like how quickly a team can get a hose hooked up.... and then run water threw it and hit the target. This is not as easy as it looks, and more than once, if the hose is not hooked tightly.....

broken connection and water every where. (we like to start the kids young... that's where good fire fighters come from!!!) "don't give up boys"

Now, the "old timer's team".......

maybe not as quick as the younger ones....

but experience pays off!!!!!

Just one question... when did "we" become the old timer's team???? Used to be the day when we were the young ones that were running. Time goes way too fast......

Burley!!!!! If there is one other person that probably hasn't ever missed a muster (other than me... and my Dad!!!) it would be Burley. Burley is amazing and back in the day, he was the one guy that you could always call on to "make up a team". Some musters he ran on several teams!!! Now at about 70 years old.. he still shows he has it... maybe not as quick as he once was... but in the ladder competition, he still showed us all that he can do it!!! Wishing you many more musters and running events - Burley!!!!

The day always closes with the firemen's clam bake!!! Such a fun time, lots of good food (LOBSTER).. time to visit with old friends, and meet some new ones... Here Abbie gets to meet Andrew!!!!

All the girls!!! on the left.. Kadee, Jen, Diana.. and then Kas, Sadie and Abbie. These gals grew up together, with Daddies in the fire department and living on the same street. They are certainly life long friends!!!

And all too soon, the day was over, and another field day is tucked away into the list of memories and blogs!!!

"the" beetle.....

I fear that the summer has been zipping by so quickly, and we have been so busy with "other" things, that we haven't even thought about our little beetle, until the Firemen's Muster was just a few days away. Often the beetle has the honor of carrying the "Firemen's Queen - Miss Flame" in the parade. Being an convertible and red, it fits perfectly for this event. So, we took it's "blankie" off, dusted it off, and rolled it out into the sunshine. Like it does everytime, it started right up and seemed to be "ready for fun".

The beetle has it's own little story (as does everything I have!!!) and it goes something like this. When Ed and I first married, I told him that someday I would love to have a VW beetle - yellow in color and convertible of course. Every once in a while, we would go and look at one, but they always needed a lot of work, or didn't run well, or whatever. Since this was totally a luxury, we continued to look knowing that one day, we would find just the right one.

Early one spring, I was home with two little girls, running about the house and doing a million "mommy things". I don't remember now exactly how the day was going, but I do remember it wasn't great. Nothing awful, just typical trying to run a house and manage two small children. The phone rang.. it was Ed... "what color beetle were you looking for?" he asked. Thinking that was a silly question on a day like this, I said "YELLOW"... and he replied.."not red?, I found a really nice red one, maybe you would like to come and see it". Come and see it? that meant, pack up the kids, drive to where ever he was.. stop what I needed to get done, it seemed like "too much to do"... "No, I can't come right now". He was disappointed, "it's a nice one, good price, I don't think it will last long, you really should come and see it". I told him no again, and ended the phone call. Going back to vacuuming, I began to think .... "are you foolish, your husband just called and offered you a car that you have been wishing for, you're going to pass this by???" I called him back, "that didn't take long" he teased me. Needless to tell you, we bought the car, and no it wasn't yellow, but the red suits me fine.

It's a 1978, had only one owner before us, and was (is) in extremely good condition. I am trying to remember what year we bought it, and we think it was in 1996, so we have had it quite a while. We have had some fun with that little car. We always loved loading the kids in it, and taking rides on hot summer nights. Course the girls complained about being "cold" riding in the back with the top down. So, I made two quilts (one for each) that had "beetle bugs" all over them. We still keep the quilts in the beetle, just in case anyone who takes a cruise gets cold!!!

As I said, earlier,we pulled it out a few days ago to get it ready for the Firemen's parade. I wanted to get it down ahead of time because I actually needed my truck for the day of the parade. So, last week, I popped Abbie's car seat into the back, put Camille in the front, and we headed out. Abbie's first beetle ride!!!!! and another generation for the little car to give rides to.

Camille had as much fun in the beetle as Abbie did. Actually all our dogs love riding with the top down. The cockers ears flap in the wind, and they spend the whole time sniffing.

I am glad that this car has seat belts!!! Car seats weren't the things back in 1978. Fortunately Abbie's seat has a place for use with a lap belt as it's all the beetle has, but it worked. I will tell you, I just hoped that she wouldn't throw that "binkie" out somewhere along the ride, and she didn't!!!!

Even Chester has had a few rides. He seems to greatly enjoy them as well. And now that we have it out and about again, I hope for some warm sunny fall days, where we can still run around topless before the winter winds return.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2 birthdays, a wedding & kidney stones!!!!

August has certainly proved to be a busy month so far. And my "poor little blog" has certainly not had it's usual attention!!! So, to catch up on all the activities (other than the "move").. here's a fill in blog. The first thing to report is my dear Ed has dealt with another run of kidney stones... and looking back at last year's blog, it seems it has run pretty much the same course. He had to go in for another "blasting procedure". This time however, they did a laser surgery, it took more for him to recover from it, but they feel that it was a better way to go this time. The cause of these stones (almost on a yearly basis now) is still under investigation, but the doctor feels that they are an acid base. He has put Ed on a medication that should help keep these stones from forming, and I guess time will tell.

Nate celebrated his 25th birthday back on August 1st. Kas put together a nice little party with some family and friends. She made this cool pirate cake for him as well. She loves to bake and comes up with the neatest ideas.

Happy Birthday!!!!

On August 5th we attended a wedding. This is "Father" and his bride Martha. "Father" is our hayman and a member of the fire department, he lost his dear wife a couple of years ago and the past couple of years has not been very happy for him. Martha was a life long friend of his and she had lost her dear hubby several years ago. Somehow they met up again (I don't exactly know all the details of their story), but the short of it is...

They decided to marry and to begin a new chapter in their lives. It was a beautiful church service (full of fun) and then a nice reception and dinner afterwards. I can easily see the change in Father, his old grin is back again and there is a restored happiness. His family is so excited to have Martha a new member, and I wish them many happy years together.

August 10 we had another birthday to celebrate. Our dear friend Rick. Kelli invited us over a for dinner and celebration. Another evening of fun and laughter...

Happy Birthday - Rick!!!

Believe it or not, there are still quiet moments here on the farm. We are beginning to settle in and finding the routine. The dogs are enjoying their lives here, and are settling in quite well.

Boxes are beginning to disappear and things are finding their places. I still have much to do, and will probably change things around several times. But bit by bit, it's coming together.

I thought the real work was in building, but now I think it's unpacking. Still a couple boxes a day will eventually make a difference.

Monday, August 16, 2010

10 months....

Well, here we are the 16th of the month once again... Miss Abigail's #10... but getting her to sit still for the photo shoot was quite the event, getting her to sit still for anything - is quite an event!!! I can almost hear her conversation just by looking at the photos....

"Mom, why do we have to do this every month?"
"Hey Tatter...look over here!!!"

"Better yet, what's going on over there??"

"Where's your tail... are you sitting on it, I can't see it"

"know what - I'm outta here!!!"

"Just sit here a little longer, Tat... it will soon be over"

"You'd think they would have enough pictures of us by now.... I love you Tat......"

"OH...OK.... CHEESE..... are we done yet?"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

unofficially official...

Well.... to say that we have been busy around here the past couple of weeks.. an understatement!!!!! So much has been going on, that I find it hard to blog, because I have so much to tell and can't quite figure the "order" that it should go in. I guess I will just go in the order of "most exciting"... one of those being.....

the "piles" are GONE!!!! and we now have a lovely dirt yard!! One day (perhaps soon) this will become a lawn... of which Ed thinks we need a bigger lawn tractor, and I simply think we need sheep. But either way, those big piles that have hidden us for the past (almost two years) are now moved around and smoothed out, and ready for seed.

And the next.... well, as of a week ago today, we have MOVED IN!!!! Last weekend, Kas and Nate came up and we opened the storage trailer and got to see our things once again. I was oddly struck with great emotion at the sight of our things.. not just because I had been missing them.. but when I think of the events that have happened since I saw them last... I was moved to tears. We packed this trailer in August of 08... I never dreamed then that we would be Grandparents... or have our dear Moxie no longer with us, to name a few... and for a few moments, it was all almost too much.

But once we got to work, and began to dig threw the pile, the excitement came back and I was anxious to see where things would end up. One of the first, was my "little cocker" put up on the front porch to stand guard over the front the door.

Now, please don't misunderstand this move in thing, for if you have the impression that this house is done... I fear you are not right. In fact, as the girls and I were unpacking boxes marked as "kitchen".. Ed and Nate were installing the counter top around the kitchen sink. We still have trim work to do, and I still have painting yet to finish.. the downstairs bathroom and mudroom need work and various other places.. but we felt the house was livable and I guess it was just time to make our move.

Another emotional "hit" for me. Chaos, piles and boxes!!! I am a bit of a "muck" about this sort of thing, and to be walking around boxes, looking to put things in their space (where ever that might be).. kind of got to me. We still have a number of boxes to go through, but made enough headway to consider it "live able". It will be weeks before I get everything tucked in place, I figure a few boxes a day will make the difference.

Kas and Nate spent the night, and along with Sadie and Abbie.. we celebrated the "first night" in the house as a big family sleepover. The next morning, Ed made a great breakfast for all of us before we tackled the boxes once again. Blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs... donuts and juice, it was a great feast.

Abbie approved of her Grandfather's cooking!!!! By the end of the day, the trailer was completely unloaded, with boxes being left in the garage, in the middle of rooms and in the cellar. But an empty storage trailer none the less. Kas and Nate headed back home, and I (very tired) looked around at the "mess" and said to Ed... "let's sleep at camp tonite". So we packed up and headed to the lake!!!! We both crashed!!!!

So, dear reader... there you have it. We have much to do, but for all intent and purpose we are unofficially officially in!!!