Sunday, October 30, 2011

what is this?????

I feel like there are two stories from the weekend. One, visiting with Becky and Butch and working the team...

and two, the record breaking weather. Official reports put our snow fall between 14-16 inches.. at this point what does it matter... it looks more like January than October.

Good thing, it won't last, there is still plenty of fall season left... but the pictures will be fun to look at......

remember --- it's 10/30/11

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween hayride!!!

All week long, I have been looking for to the weekend. I try not to do that, because I hate rushing time, but when such fun things wait ahead, it's hard not to. Our good friends, Becky and Butch were coming to do an annual Halloween hayride, and afterwards, coming to the farm for a visit and to work with our team. Last year, when we helped them with this ride, it turned out to be a cold and rainy night. I hoped we wouldn't repeat that weather this year, especially after having that bit of snow earlier in the week. The weather folks said something about a storm, but were pretty sure it would stay south... by the end of the week, that report all changed. And as the week went on, it changed more and more. By Saturday morning, they were predicting an other "nor easter" that was going to bring SNOW instead of rain. LOTS of snow.

Ed and I decided to take this forecast seriously and we did some picking up around the yard and made sure all was ready around the barn. Since the report said "wet and very heavy" snow, we got read for power outage... let's face it, here.. outage is common place. By the time we did everything, we got to Becky and Butch on the later side of their ride. The pictures will tell you what the weather was up to by then.

Bill and Ben looked more like a Christmas postcard than a Halloween hayride. The wind was really picking up and the snow was very wet... so when it hit you, it melted and you were very wet. Butch was about done and was watching the team closely for signs of chill...

Fortunately, the party folks had about all the rides they wanted, and told Becky and Butch to pack it up and head for "home"

The team seemed so happy to be unhitched and ending their evening. Ed and I did what we could to make the packing up quick. The roads were getting bad quick and the horses needed to be cared for.

They got on that trailer quickly and we headed back tot he farm. The drive home was "interesting" fortunately Ed, Butch and Becky are all good drivers. It took us about 20 minutes more than it should have, but the good news, we made it safe. The Belgians were brought into our barn, groomed up, fed and were warm and cozy when we headed to bed.

Outside, the night looked like January - not October. The wind howled and the snow mounted fast.

At bedtime, we already had this much.....

and it continues......................

Thursday, October 27, 2011

first snow.............

7:30 at night.. a little girl should be putting on pj's NOT boots. What??? well, for one thing, tonite "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" is on, and Abbie just HAS to watch that...

but heading out the door???? What is outside that would cause us to head out with Abbie???

How about the first snow of the season!!! It's really way too early for snow, even in New England.. but since it's here....

and Abbie really doesn't remember it from last year... it's time to celebrate!!!

It took some doing to get Abbie in from playing in the snow. She loves to be outside anyways.. but to go in the dark and when it's snowing.... made it double hard. However promise of the Great Pumpkin helped (even though she didn't know about that either)

She watched most of the show, I thought it was a riot to see her sitting on her birthday bike and watching the show. And just for the record, yes, she can ride that bike and the house has become a raceway!!!!

As we headed to bed, this is what is was like outside. We're sure to end up with at least a couple of inches.

Friday morning I had to work at the post, so I was up just before the sun. I must admit (and I still say it's too early - for snow)... the farm looked beautiful in it's new winter coat.

The view from the kitchen window... this will be common place before too long, but right now... it's all brand new!!!

OH... and for the record.. today is my Dad's birthday... so Happy, Happy to Dad!!!!


Hey, wait a minute... this isn't Ginger?? What's going on here?? Well, actually Ginger is away on a puppy swap... I know, I only have a limited time with her and she is away!!! But, talking with Dave last Monday, and realizing she has some transitioning to do heading to "college"... we (Dave and I) thought that one more puppy swap might be a good idea for her. So, when we got home, Rick took Ginger with him and I got to have Otis. And since brother Edgar is still with us, not only was this a good puppy swap for Ginger... but for Otis as well.

Ed was in need of some new jeans, and I have been looking for some "winter type clogs".. so, we took an afternoon to do some shopping and brought Otis along. He was very good in the store, got lots of compliments and put in some work time. In the shoe department, I tried to put him under one of the small stools you sit on...

He tried to go, but we soon realized, he really was a little on the big side. Either way, he laid quietly and allowed me to shop for shoes... which I did find the perfect pair.

The store -- Cabala's... Otis had to pose with the moose!!!!

Shopping, it seems - is hard work. At least Otis thinks so and snored the whole way home. And Ginger.. well, after a few days with Rick, she is moving in with Linda -- because Linda really wanted her one more time, and a second transition will add to her training...

but we sure are missing her here!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

pumpkins or jack o laterns....

With Halloween just a few days away, it was time to carve some pumpkins. While it is fun to do this tradition, I am more interested in getting those pumpkin seeds. I love roasted pumpkin seeds and look forward to having them each fall. So, when I am choosing pumpkins, I always look for those who might contain the most amount of seeds. These were the four that I picked for this year.

It's so fun to have Abbie at the age where things like this are beginning to make some sense to her. She has enjoyed seeing the pumpkins out on the stairs, but when we brought them in, she was quite excited knowing something was "up"

She watched every step carefully....

And was fascinated to discover "what's inside the pumpkin"

Lots of seeds in this first one.. this looks promising....

We showed her what to do and told her to save as many of the seeds as she could. I was so surprised that she really caught onto this and was very careful to pick the seeds out and put them on the cookie sheets for roasting.

Even better, this project went so well that we had very little mess to clean up. Abbie wanted to be sure she had the proper "cover" for each pumpkin.

Which now are jack-o-lanterns!!! from all of us here on Sweetgrass Farm...

Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

a day with Ginger..

This month, we made the trip down to NEADS abit sooner than our usual Thursday. There had been some talk that it might be turn in day for both Ginger and Leo, and if so, we needed to get them there, so they could go on the next van headed to the prison. With that in mind, I thought it might be fun to have a playdate with all the service puppies... afterall, with this big fence - what could be better.

The brothers... Edgar and Otis got together right away. I don't think dogs know that they are related in a way, but I do think they understand they have a connection.. at least it seems that way to me when I see Ginger and Leo together and now these two....

My yard is full of retrievers... how did that happen --- I'm a spaniel person.....

After a couple hours of playtime, this is what the group looked like. Quite happy to chill while the humans warmed up with some treats and a good visit. If this isn't proof that a tired dog is a good dog... than I don't know what is.....

After playdate, we headed over to a favorite restaurant for dinner with Kelli and Rick (Ginger and Otis).. not only is the food good... but they make it very clear about the way they feel with regards to service dogs!!! Ya Poor People's Pub... you can bet we'll come and visit you.

So, the next day, we were up bright and early and on the road to NEADS. Ginger seemed to sense something and rode most of the way with her head over the seat, just to be close to me. Is it hard to give up a service puppy.... well, you tell me....

When we arrived at NEADS.. the first thing Dave said was "no turn in today"... there's a lot of planning, arranging, scheduling that goes into all this training "stuff".. and for this month, it did not all come together. Ginger and Leo are heading back for a little bit longer.

We had such a good time working at the train station, that we told Dave we wouldn't mind going back there again. There are so many great "things" to work with - plus things that you don't expect...and certainly different from being on the farm. Here we practice "under"... Dave is giving Stoney a little extra help with his....

By now, Ginger has this one down pack... she has done many (many) unders..

A time to do questions and answers.. go over where the puppies are in their training levels.. and just a moment to chat and enjoy being all together as friends and as puppy raisers...

We headed out to the loading platform hoping we might have the good luck of having a train pull in. We lucked out, and actually had a huge freight train come thru. At first it caught everyone's attention, but after the 20 (or so) car went by, all the dogs lost interest.

After the train station, we went over the hospital to do (ughhhh) the elevators. In case you didn't know.. I am NOT an elevator person, and would avoid them at all costs. So.. for me to ride one over and over and over again... is huge. I do it for "my dog"... but won't say I am exactly happy about it. From this photo, doesn't seem like it bothers Bernice or Kathleen!!!!

And then, the trip home usually looks like this.. hum - tired dog thing???

So, now we wait to get the official word from Dave with regards to turn in. I know it won't be much longer that Ginger is here with us... but while she's here, the days will be filled with enjoyment.