Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy LEAP Day... happy BIRTHDAY

It's been four long years!!!! But birthday number 6 finally arrived for Sadie, at this rate, Abbie is going to have more birthdays than her Mom.... but it's all a part of it when you are a "Leapling!!!" (aka born on Leap Day!!!)

Sadie has a good time with being a "leapling", but what's been even more fun is finding others that share her birthday. When she was working at the little general store in town - ID-ing folks when they bought beer or cigeretts, she actually got to meet a few other leaplings!!!

For the most part, the day was quiet, she opened a few presents in the morning --- with lots of help from Abbie....

And in the evening, we took her out for dinner. Actually we all went to "steak night", so she celebrated with all our friends there. Abbie was delighted that Tee-Tee brought balloons for Mom and promptly claimed them for herself.

Norton got to come and celebrate as well. ... actually he 'worked" under the table. Abbie is so funny, she thinks it's normal for us to have a dog under the table... and took a little time to go and check on him.

Happy #6/24" birthday.....

and there's no better gift than a big birthday hug....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

horse play

THIS is the reason why we took the wire fencing down and put gates up instead. That snow is just waiting for a bit of warm weather to come crashing to the ground....

I really thought it would "go" sometime today, the weather has been so nice... almost like spring. But "they" tell us big snows are on the way, so I guess we best not get used to it just yet.

The horses sure like the sun. With their black coats, Tonka and Duke almost steam in the warm sunshine. Won't be too much longer and shedding season will begin.... uuuggghhh.....

These two are buddies for sure, they play together all the time... it's fun to watch.

So far all the guinuea hens have survived the winter too. Hoping we might get some keets this spring... that is if we can keep them in long enough to be "successful"... wouldn't it be fun to have some babies on the farm!!!!


Alright, so it was my idea to clean out the freezer (aka get the last of the turkeys cooked up).. but it was Kassy's idea to get us to play this crazy game!!!

Put a headband on... place a card in it, and then ask questions of your friends to see if you can figure out what the card says. Oh my goodness, did we laugh.. and some of the "things" the card could say....

Example, how do you try and figure out that you are "toilet paper" or "Santa Claus" or "New York City".... we played for at least a couple of hours... and laughed so hard. Winter evenings, they are true treasures....

This is my dear friend Shelly. Shelly is one of those friends that I don't see that often, but when we do have the chance to get together, we just seem to pick up where we left off. Shelly is a Mom to three (grown) daughters... she is also a grandmother and "a grandmother to be"....

Because daughter Kayla is expecting a little girl sometime in the month of April. The thing is about these "kids"... I used to babysit for them during the summer and after school, they grew up with our girls!!! And now, here they are, about to Moms themselves...I don't feel old enough to think of "my charges" as Moms!!!

And so, we went to a wonderful baby shower for Kayla. The food was great, I got to see some "old" friends, and Kayla got so many things for little baby "Edan"....

but, the news of Shelly's grandbabies doesn't just stop with Kayla... this is sister Diedre.... and guess what... she's expecting too - in July. However, it's not just one baby.... it's two!!!! Boys!!!!

so, along with grandson Trevor.. Shelly with have three more grandbabies... all in one year!!! Talk about a busy family!!!!

and here is Shelly and I... first Mom's together and now Grandmom's together.....

Life is certainly full of blessings!!!!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

one horse open sleigh

Yesterday, we awoke to this... a very lite snow had fallen threw the night. Not too far, everyone else got rain.. but for us, snow.

In a way, it was a "pain in the neck" snow, not enough to plow, but enough to make the road slick and the stairs and walkways the same. For some, it was probably a real bother... but for me....

EXCITING!!! Ed had finished the shafts for our little sleigh, and from that moment on, we simply have not had enough snow to try them out. We actually toyed with the idea of trying them on grass, but really... snow is the best.

We got them on the little sleigh, and everything fit perfectly. Ed was pretty pleased, he hasn't ever made anything like this before, and though we measured and planned, you just don't know until you get them on.

Next... the horse. I chose Duke because he is a "been there, done that" horse, and we figured somewhere in his background he has probably pulled a sleigh. It's different with a sleigh mainly because of the sound they make sliding behind a horse, it's not like a cart at all. I did some ground work with him, because it's been ages since he was hitched last......

And then we backed him between the shafts, and off we went. By the way he acted (which was excellent) he has definitely done sleighs before, and really it wasn't any big deal.. I drove first (pardon the lead rope laying on the ground.. it came un-done during photos, believe me, we are aware of it!!!!!)

and then Ed hopped in. We had a great time together. (one thing though, if this sleigh were meant for four-- they were certainly a lot smaller than we are!!!) Two could fit, cozy......

We went around the field several times, much to the entertainment of our neighbors, and passerbys... and it was simply.. great fun. (Duke looks huge hitched to this sleigh - probably wasn't really made for a draft)

One thing for sure, there will be more sleigh rides, and we'll have to do some work with Tonka so he can go as well.

Snow - in the winter time - well it's perfectly fine by me!!!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

NEADS check in

February's check in day at NEADS. and (sadly) for me, another "puppy-less" check in. It was time for Norton to "visit" the vet and so, we dropped him off on our way in. Actually, Mr. Norton has had his "head in the clouds" these past couple of weeks, so I am just as happy to have "this" over and done with, so we can get back to business.

Per our usual routine, we met with Dave in the training room, to go over questions and evaluations on the dogs. Otis and Stoney were the main topics, and the count down is on for their turn in dates. Sweet little Vickie joined us again this month (can you tell that I am just in love with her??) and her puppy raiser is reporting all good things. So, that's good to hear. The word on Ginger is still promising as it is with Leo and T, and we're expecting to see these three Maine dogs at the fall graduation - if all stays on track. So exciting!!!

Otis and Edgar just hung out while the humans chatted... they seem to have the bored look about them.

However, before we headed into the city this time... Kathleen had to pick up her new "charge"... we now add Monty to the Maine group!!! a cute "little" chocolate lab, 4 months old!!! Kathleen likes the goldens, but deep down... she is really a lab fan.. so this upcoming year will be great fun for her!!!!

Otis, giving Monty the check over. (you can see now why I said "little".. Monty is one good sized puppy).

Randi and Stoney on the city streets. And yes, she is only wearing a sweater in February!!! The day was almost like spring, and it's hard to think that we really aren't out of "winter" just yet....

Bernice came along as well (even though she is puppyless too).. but she is waiting until the fall to take on another charge. She enjoyed puppy raising, but has a busy summer ahead. And of course, Rick working with Otis.....we have such a fun time together.

While the others went to work in the hospital, Kathleen chose to stay outside with Monty. It gave them a chance to get to know each other, and being such a little guy and with so much exciting, she thought it best to keep him out and now "allow anything to go wrong" inside (so to speak)

As we were getting ready to leave, a group from the scouts came to take a tour of NEADS. This being school vacation week, it's been pretty busy there with tours of one kind or another. So good to see young kids having the chance to learn about service dogs and the work that they do. Too bad I didn't' live closer to NEADS, I would love to volunteer and take groups threw like this.
but, I guess puppy raising will have to be my "gig"...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

trudging along

I always feel "so bad" when I can't think of any blogs to write. I love doing my blog, but when I think of things to "talk about" I then think.. that's not anything to talk about. And then.. well, maybe it is.. so, here's a blog, with really.... not much to talk about.

Our trucks were in great need of oil changes, so last week, Ed and I took them. We have them serviced at the garage we bought them from... they have to be the nicest people ever there!!! and we will continue to buy all our vehicles from them and have them serviced there. Actually I am on the hunt for a new vehicle... we are looking at the Durango's. I love my truck, but it's almost 10 years old, and it really doesn't suit me as well anymore. When we had to board the horses, I was doing a lot of "carrying of things".. like saddles, grain, shavings, etc.. the Durango I had at the time wasn't really suited for that sort of thing... so, I got a truck. Now that the horses are settled and I don't carry that any more... I now carry extra dogs (often meeting my boarding clients to save them some travel time).. extra people (especially when we visit NEADS) and of course --- grand baby... and I'm back to thinking a Durango would be a better choice again. AND I do have Ed's truck to use for the grain runs and such... so.....we're waiting for the new ones to begin turning in and will take it from there..

but, I've gone a bit off track from my blog. Aside from the "wicked nice" folks at the Dodge garage, they also offer this "service"...

which really pleases me, because there are many places that wouldn't hear of this. I love bringing my dogs with me... Camille is so excited when she gets to go.. and of course, great place to work a service puppy.

I didn't bring Norton this trip (we were actually going to breakfast while we waited for the trucks) but Camille was more than happy to tag along. She always gets cookies there and lots of attention... just her thing. And I promise - friends at the garage - you will get to meet Norton one of these days....

Speaking of which, he is doing quite well. Church is beginning to be routine (as well as classes) and he is quite the popular guy there. One lady told me that she is already saving money so "when he doesn't pass the program - he can be mine" (she is madly in love with him). But I told her not to hold her breath... this boy has a very good chance of "passing" I feel.

Remember my goal.. by the end of the month all the divided lights for the windows will be painted and in place....

Well... I'm in good shape, and this will happen. In fact I have only three windows to finish and it will all be done. There actually are several other house projects are that being completed this month... it's looking good....

Rick brought us a nice load of wood the other day. This is NEXT year's wood!!!! Which really excites me because #1. we didn't use as much as we thought this year (which has already put us ahead) and #2. this also puts us ahead for next year. This wood is for my "little house stove", but he'll be dropping off wood for the furnace over the next few weeks - again all for next winter. I'm beginning to feel like we're catching up............

And I really "hate" to be thinking next winter, because Abbie is quite certain - it's time to be thinking spring!!!

I agree!!!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

winter projects..

I have to say this has been the oddest of winters... really, we haven't had winter much at all. And even though there doesn't seem to be alot going on, the days are zipping by and it's end the of another week. I have to confess, we haven't done anything with the sleighs, which is disappointing. Since we haven't had the snow, they have just sat.

But Ed has been working on making the shafts, so in the case we get one more snow, there would be the possibility of hitching a horse and at least giving them a try.

The shafts will be painted a nice black and have brass trimming, they're going to be quite pretty when they are done and "fit' the style of the sleigh very well. And not that I really care to have any more snow, but just one little storm might be nice.

So, while Ed works on the sleigh shafts, here's my "get done before the end of the month" project. The window grids. These are the divided lights that go in all the upstair windows. After painting so many for the downstairs, I just couldn't bear to do any more, and I tucked all these away for another day.

Well, this month is "the day" and I am determined to get them all painted and in place. They look so nice in the windows, and really completes the look. We also got some window shades and Ed has installed them. It's not like we need them for privacy (there's no one around us), but it won't be long before that ol' sun will be coming up around 5:30 am, and it would be nice to keep some of the light out on the rare mornings that we can sleep in. So, making progress here and there.

I've also been letting the guinea hens out on these warm winter days. They love being loose and already are pecking about the yard, looking for various "goodies". I fear we are in for a big tick season, since we haven't had any "cold" here, and I will be just as happy to let these birds get to work.

I will admit, they can be a bit obnoxious, (yes, Ed and Rick - I said that). But the are great little watch dogs, and we really don't have a big tick issues here on the farm... due to them. So, it's worth putting up with them...

Other than that, there's isn't too much exciting to write about... pretty quiet here on the farm.