Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

my Dad.....

This is going to be the hardest story to write..my Dad, my hero, my "everything" in many ways...went home to be with God at 10:30 last evening. My heart aches more than I ever thought it could, and even though I know that he had gone onto heaven and his pain here on earth has ended.. I am not ready for this goodbye.

It was a check in day at neads yesterday..I sort of felt like I shouldn't go, but when I checked in with Dad and Mom, things were about the same. So, I decided I could go for a quick check in..telling the girls that I could be called home. Dad had encouraged us to continue with life and not put things on hold because of him..so I tried to do just that.

We had been there a few hours, and Mom called saying Dad had been taken back to the hospital..I had a feeling I needed to get home, so we left.

I had the girls drop me at the hospital, and take my jeep home. I knew the family would be coming..Mom had just left to get so e things at home, so when I arrived, I was the only one there. Dad seemed so happy to see me, and even though he was in and out of sleep..we had a nice one on one visit. I knew that he would not be returning home, and I took this time to cherish what ever time he had still here on earth.
He was ready to go...I could see it..there was just something different that I can't explain. He was peaceful, and the time all of us had leading up to this was a real blessing. As the afternoon went on, the family returned...Mom first, then Becky and Rachel...our hubbies, and in the evening..all the grands, and even the great grands. He knew we were all there and talked and slept...and talked some more. As the evening went on..he began to smoke and suddenly say " hello"  in a voice tone that one would use when they haven't seen someone in a long time. Then it seemed like he'd come back around to us....and then drift off again.

A bit later, he began to say...I've got to go. At first we thought he might mean to use the bathroom...but now that I look and think back on all this ..I feel he was telling us that he needed to leave for heaven.

The nurses felt that we should head home, and let everyone rest. We all said goodbye, and that we would be back in the morning...but I knew that wasn't going to be. I knew he was waiting and wanting us to go...so that he could as well. And sure enough..as nearly were back on the farm and the call came.

I love these old photos of Dad in the clock shop...he loved the clocks, and along with being a wonderful husband, an amazing Dad, the fire department..his dogs...and his clocks...this is my Dad....

The days ahead are going to be very different..though he had much planned, there is still much to do. We will pull together..we will muddle threw...we will be there for each other, just as we promised.

And the day will come when we will be together again in house of our Lord. Dad has been reunited with loved ones that have gone on ahead and though I already miss him, he's always going to be close by...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017

lots of snow

If there's any doubt, winter is truly here and the shows we are getting are true New England style. But the thing I'm not so impressed with is the ice. Just look at the coating on the trees. I will certainly be wearing my "grippies" on my boots, and if walking to the barn gets too bad..I'll move the gator to the house and drive up.

Were slowly introducing the boys to each other. I'm probably doing this way slower than some would but since they're ours..I can do this any way I choose.

I think they like each other. Tonka has been so sad without duke and Abraham left a team mate..so I feel like they need each other and want to be together.
They sometimes race about and get silly but mostly I find them just standing together.

They have good thick costs and like to be outside...

Things seem to be settling down here on the farm.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

a new member of the family......

Road trip on this extremely cold winter day....and if you look in the background of this photo...you'll see there's a horse trailer...

Yup, were going to check out a new horse. Butch called the other night saying he was pretty sure he found just what we've been looking for...so we met up with them and are checking it out.
As it turns out, this horse is with the same broker who we got duke from. His operation is much bigger than it was when we bought duke and he now deals mostly with riding horses, but now and again he gets drafts..and this is what he had. I feel sad that we'll break up a team...but I don't need two more horses 
This boy is way bigger than I thought and when I first saw him I really wasn't sure . But Burch brought him out and began to check him over for us. I trust his instincts and just watched and listened closely.
I would have liked to see him hitched but the day was so bitter cold, it almost wasn't safe to be outside. Fortunately there was an indoor area to work in, so I was able to ground drive him. He's really big, but seemed gentle...
And after a bit of time and being with him...decided we would take him. I'm not so sure if he likes this idea..he seemed pretty bonded to his grey team mate and I really felt awful about splitting them. For a half second I consisted taking both but then knew I didn't want to take on more than I can handle.
I went to do paperwork and pay while ed and butch got him ready to leave. I couldn't bear to watch him leaving his pal...I had a lot of questions about him, which they couldn't really answer. I guess they came in for auction..so were buying an unknown. 
He loaded beautifully and butch has confidence in him and us.. So well give it a go..
He certainly takes up the trailer....and like duke ..whinned as we pulled away from the farm. I wish I could tell him what his life with us will be like...but he's just going to have to see for himself.
The ride home was uneventful. We stopped a few times to make sure he wasn't too cold, all was good. He unloaded...in the dark...like a gentleman. And of course caused quite the excitement when we brought him in. Hewas cross tied while we set up a stall.
And settled in quite nicely...
Everyone was excited to come and see him. They can't get over his size. I'm beginning to wonder how the neck I'm going to harness him. Guess I'll be working on upper body strength!!! 
And ....we need to come up with a name... Because he was just horse number 134....
And as special as all of this is...Dad wanted to come see him. He was so sad for me when we lost duke and even though Dad is feeling really awful right now..he had Becky drive him up so he could see this boy. I brought him out to show Dad ...it was too cold for him to get out of the car....and Dad took these photos ..

And then we came up with his name....Abraham!!! 

So,our newest member of the family......

Thursday, February 02, 2017

ground hog's day!!!!

Just because I think it's fun.. I always like to remember Groundhog's Day and try to catch the "great events" on TV... 

and this year's predication.... another six weeks of winter.... as Ed says... We'll know for sure by April....

so.. happy "continue" with winter day!!!!