and suddenly we're into the second month of the new year. Winter has been trudging along, typical New England weather, first there's no snow, then there is... and sometimes ice and all. The Old Groundhog has predicted another six weeks of winter...
But, aside from it all, there are big changes about to happen here on the farm. We have talked for quite sometime about "what to do with the woods". While I like having them, and keeping the farm quite private, the woods are so thick that you can't even walk threw them easily. It's mostly pine that has just grown up over the years, so there is no great "value" to any of the wood itself, but it's land that we don't "enjoy".
There is a small brook that runs along the back of the property, I've only walked out to it twice, but have dreamed of riding, walking and driving paths all threw. It would be nice to have this area to enjoy.
Last fall, we had a forester come by and walk the land with us. He pointed out so many things, but other than we can't get out there, was the real fact that the woods aren't heathy. The trees are all in competition and nothing is winning. They're weak, and in some ways, dangerous, because one good storm, ice or other wise, in the next couple of years could bring in all down into a big mess. He showed us how thinning it out would not only make it usable, but would much improve the quality of the trees. So, after some serious thought, and guidance, we decided to hire him on, and all him and his crew to do a heathy harvest.
We weren't too sure just exactly when this would all happen, but last weekend, he arrived again to say that we were next on the list. He walked the land again with Ed and made sure we were ready to take this on. I will say I had a little feel of panic... I wanted to be extremely sure that this is NOT a clear cut and that we were doing this for all the right reasons. He promised me it was and that when it was said and done, I would be happy with the decision. So, we said, "lets to do it".
A few days later, the equipment began to arrive. Oh my goodness , I'm not sure what I was expecting, but when things like this begin to roll onto your land, you begin to wonder if this is all going to be OK...
and then I thought, "how can this big thing even get out into the woods". We had a really nice talk with the operator and he put (most) of my fears away. It's going to look different around here, but sometimes changes is a good thing.
Once the news was out that a feller buncher was on Baby and Papa's farm.. you can be sure that two little grands wanted to come and check this out... so the boys made a visit to farm....
Everyone was quite impressed with this thing.... and gave it a real look over..... I will be anxious to see how this gets threw the woods and what it's going to be taking down, but I have decided just to trust those who do this type of work all the time....
One thing for darn sure.. no one would be standing on this cutter while its working... it's pretty scary when you look at it up close... the boys thought it was great, and they hope to get up here during the week to see it working...
Then it was time for some play in the snow, and of course checking out the barn to see how things look there....
Work begins tomorrow...and I except things will look very different in just a weeks, time...
We also have an anniversary!!! Abraham arrived last year on February 4th, I can't believe he has been with us this long.
He has turned out to be a very good boy and we love him very much. There are things about him that are so much like our Duke, which has been fun. He seems quite happy here too, he and Tonka are very good friends, and when I need him to "work", he seems very willing to do so. Of course, Duke will always hold his own spot in our hearts, like any of our animals do... but Abe has certainly helped in the healing process... Happy anniversary big guy!!!
and Horus... well, if we catch him at night, he's been a pretty good little pet to have as well. One thing for sure, we have a lot of variety here on the farm... and even I never know what comes next!!!!