Saturday, December 23, 2006

now Dancer

Here she is.... Dancer... named after one of Santa's reindeer. Not that I needed a kitten, goodness only knows with the "zoo" we already have around here, but I wanted a kitten, and that makes all the difference in the world. I was actually looking for a yellow kitty, we had one a number of years ago, and he was a wonderful
cat and I thought it would be nice to have another one. So, I began looking a few months back, but it seemed anytime I found one, I was just a little too late.

About three weeks ago, I saw that the Second Chance Animal Rescue in North Berwick, was advertising that they had a number of kittens, two of them were yellow, so I called right away, and was told that both were available. Sadie, Josh and I drove up to see what they were like, as it turned out, the kittens had a little infection going on, so they were all being treated, but they had pictures of all the kittens, and I saw a beautiful white kitten with blue eyes. I told them that I might be interested in the white kitty, so they put a hold on the yellow one and the white one.

The next Saturday, I went up again, the yellow kitten was still being treated, but the white kitty was there, along with his sister. I picked up the little boy, he sure was sweet, but he was not what I call "cuddly", he climbed all over me and wanted to explore. I saw his little sister still in the cage, and asked if I could see her. When I picked her up, she cuddled right under my chin and was pretty happy to stay there. I must have sat there for over an hour, trying to decide which one to take. I had already named the little boy "Blitzen" (after another one of Santa's reindeer) but, the little girl just kept "calling my name". While I was there, another family came in, and seemed to fall in love with the little boy. When they asked about him, the volunteer told them that I was still trying to decide between the two. The family had a couple of young children, and I just got the feeling that the little girl might do better in a "quiet" home. So, I said I would take her, and if the other family wanted the boy, they could take him.

It's a little hard to tell from photos, but Dancer has the biggest blue eyes!!! And you can see her cute little "split" face, dark ears, and she has a dark tail. Her body is cream colored, and she has four white paws. She has been with us for a week, and has settled in perfectly. Nothing bothers her and she is quite amused by the dogs, I have actually seen her chasing after them.

The greatest part is whenever I sit in my chair, she is right there with me. It has made crafting a little interesting, but we are beginning to learn how to work around each other!!! Today, I took her in to visit my Mother-in-law in the nursing facility, she was a perfect guest, and sat in her lap for a while and even got passed around to a couple of the nurses... I think she would make a neat therapy cat... be pretty cool to have a therapy dog and a cat!!!!

So, another one to tell stories about and add to the list.... Miss Dancer, the Christmas Kitty.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Today, I have been given an amazing gift, and even as I write this, I am finding it hard to come up with the proper words.... a gift only from God.. would be some way to put it.

Sadie went to take her test for her driver's license (she passed!!!) and as I was sitting there waiting for her, so was another Mom. I was pretty nervous, but she was beside herself, pacing the floor, big sighs, looking out the window... she really made me "more jumpy" than I already was. Trying to think of something brilliant to say to her, I came out with the lame sentence of " is this your child's first try?". She told me no, and I said it was Sadie's second try too, and that I really wanted to have her passed. She said to me, "well, I NEED my daughter to pass", and then didn't say much more as she looked out the window again, and said "oh, they're back, but I can't tell if she made it or not".

A few seconds later, her daughter bounded thru the door, big smiles and showing her Mom that everything had gone well. They both hugged each other, and began to cry.... well, you know me, I joined right in!!! and gave them both all the congratulations I could muster.

As they got ready to go, the Mom turned to me and said "I didn't get to finish when I told you that she NEEDED to pass, you see, my husband is in Boston at the Cancer institute, since I need to go there everyday, my daughter has had to give up several things because I can't drive her to all the places she needs to be. Now that she can drive herself, she should be able to get back to the things she enjoys doing." I didn't even know what to say to them, this just took my breath away, so I quietly asked her husband's name and said I would pray for them... she told it was Jim.

After Sadie had driven me home... and drove herself to school. I went out and got the mail. It was full of Christmas cards from all different friends... but one in particular.... a horse friend... who had included with her card a letter... it starts off " I have never written a Christmas letter before. But this year, I am motivated by a story that has been unfolding since November 1.. when my dear friend Kate took her husband Jim to the ER......" and it goes on from there. THE Mom.... THE MOM that I had --just less than an hour ago --been waiting with at the Motor Vehicles Department!!!! My horse friend knows them.....

It is just one those things, where I am amazed at what God crosses my path with, and long ago I quit asking and wondering "why" things like this happen... I accept that they do, and that it's best to pray and see what I need to be doing about this. When I told this story to Ed (before the Christmas card arrived) he made a comment ..."times like that, don't you wish you had a gas card in your pocket that you could just hand to them and say, this should help you get to Boston".... well, guess what, as it goes, my horse friend put their address in her Christmas letter.... and I have a feeling that a gas card along with a note from "the other nervous Mom" needs to be sent... in fact, there is my answer.. it HAS to be sent... so I guess I'd better getting moving.........

Sunday, December 10, 2006

there's a baby in the barn

This is "Jewel" the new baby at the barn, actually she has been there about a month, but I didn't have any pictures to share until now. She was born on June 26, and is a little Morgan mare. She belongs to Teresa, who has for a very long time, wanted a baby to raise and train. She is quite a little pistol and though Teresa will have great fun with her, she has her hands full. It's very nice for me too, because I haven't had the experience of being around a baby from the beginning, and I will be watching (and maybe even helping a little) with the training of this little girl. Tonka is in love with her, and he tries to push Silver out of his stall which is next to Jewel's. They "talk" all the time over the stall wall. Silver on the other hand seems to have an attitude of " another kid" and he doesn't want much to do with her. I think if Tonka had his way, he and Silver would switch stalls. It might happen if Silver continues to show his impatience with her. It's such fun to walk into the barn and hear that tiny little whinny... she is very social so you never can walk past her stall without saying hi to her... and who wouldn't want to say hi anyways.... She had great fun in the snow on Friday, jumping and kicking and racing around... what a cutie!!! So, here's to the new kid on the block.....

Friday, December 08, 2006

fuzzy wuzzy

December 8th, first snow of the season... not much, just a few inches to make the world white and put you in that Christmas feeling. It's a cold day, too, about 22 degrees, with wind!!! so the cockers and I stay close to the woodstove... but not the big boys, especially Tonka. Both Silver and Tonka have heavy winter coats, but Tonka's is very thick, and being black, the sun warms him. I don't know if it's because he's a draft (cold blood) or Canadian, but either way, this is his kind of weather. I don't bother with blankets on either one of them, unless we get down below zero, because they can come and go as they want from their stalls, they know where the most comfort is. They do however, appreciate the hot beet mash that they got for lunch today, and gobbled it down quickly. Then long drinks of water, and were beginning on a flake of hay as I left the barn. It's cozy in the barn, the big doors are shut and the hay up in the loft makes a good insulation, they are happy boys!!! I keep dreaming that next winter, we will be sleigh riding, provided I get my driving work done, and we can re-store the sleigh we have in the back shed... it's certainly fun to think about it.... well, time to do some more decorating... the dog club comes next week for their annual party, and I have lots to do.....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

waiting takes forever

On December 3rd, we found ourselves at Camp Lejeune in anxious "wait" for our son-in-law to arrive home. There were a number of other families there, doing the same thing!!! We were kept well informed of when to expect them, but it still seemed like a long time. The cheering that went on when that bus pulled up, was wonderful. Marines poured off the bus!!! and families ran to grab them up and hug and hug them!!! and not let them go!!! (though I have to admit, it took me a little time to find "our" marine... they look alike in their gear, and its hard to spot one from another) But, not so for my daughter, she knew just "which one was her's"!!!! Even little Charlie dog, all dressed up in his "camies" waited very excitely for his "daddy", though his first greeting was not as nice as we hoped!!! Charlie actually barked very mean towards his "daddy" and took a few minutes to sort it all out!!!! But once he did, he didn't want him out of his sight!!!

the marines have landed

After what seemed like an incredible long wait, the "boys" finally arrived!! It's hard to describe the excitement that everyone felt, and you can't even begin to count the number of hugs, tears, and even introductions (ie: new babies!!!) that went on!!! It had to be quite overwhelming for the marines, to go from such a "structured" way of life and thrown back into "real life" must be a bit of a shock. They all looked good, maybe a bit on the thin side, but definitely everyone looked very well. And they were certainly happy to be home to the people they all love so much. We got lots of great pictures, but you could tell the "boys" were very anxious to get going and have time with their families, and yet, a little hard to say "goodbye" to the friends that they had lived with over these past months. They still have a couple of weeks of work, and then a nice leave over the holidays, which will bring "our" two back home.