Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day

Even though the town of York has grown greatly since I was a little child, there are still moments when it has it's "Norman Rockwell" feeling.... the Memorial Day parade being one of them for sure.

The parade starts early... 9:30 AM... and this year the weather was grand. So Kas, Sadie and I along with 7 cocker spaniels, walked up to the center of town, grabbed a couple of bagels and coffee, and settled in for the big event.

I was happy to see a number of other folks doing the same thing, in fact, I thought the crowd was pretty good!!!! But, I was even more impressed with the patriotism that seemed to be present this year. LOTS of cheering for the service men and women who marched, and lots of applause and proper respect shown when our flags passed by!!!

The firemen had a good showing.... looking very prim and proper in their "dress blues".... recognize this good looking guy!!!! (bet you didn't know that Ed could "clean up" so good!!!) and that's Chris in the forefront... the Chief, good friend and neighbor!!!!!

Course, it wouldn't be Memorial Day without Nate, so "mini Nate" had to step in and do his job!!! Here is the family photo.... Charlie, Kas and Nate!!!!

After the parade, we went out to celebrate with the Flaggs!!!! Had a wonderful cookout - the first of the season - and then Deb took me on a "field trip" to show me something quite wonderful!!!! But, that will be in my next blog..... so, stay tuned!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Flymaine said...

Ed does clean up good! But, he looks just as handsome on the John Deere!! I love the Mini-Nate picture!! What a cool idea!! I remember your oringinal blog entry about Mini-Nate and wondered when a picture would pop up.

So hurry up and post the rest of this story!!!