Saturday, November 17, 2007

home again

Ed, Moxie and I had a wonderful time in the south!!! The weather was grand, the time was relaxing and of course it was great to see Nate home safe and sound, and spend time with him, his family and Kas. But I have to admit, I am a real home body and it was good to head north and sleep in my own little bed once again. However, Ed didn't stick around too long, early Friday morning he was off again, heading to Baltimore, MD with some friends to attend a "towing show".

He was a little "worried" that I might be lonely at home, but I have used the time well these past two days, and have begun to "pack". NOT that we are moving into our new house any time soon, however, we have been in this house for nearly 25 years. AND I have never really "weeded out", I figured it's going to take me a few months at least to be ready to do any sort of moving. I also have several things that would make for a good yard sale, and a few times last fall, I thought that if it had been organized I would have done a yard sale or two. So, I have decided that over the winter, I am going to get everything sorted out and come spring, have a yard sale or two and get things out of here. I have also decided to start with the "easy stuff"... for example, I did the upstairs bathroom, half of our bedroom and my closet. Here's the pile of "throw outs" that I got just from that... (plus a couple of bags of donations AND some yard sale things)... it's kind of shocking really, that we have that much "stuff!!!" I don't even dare think of what it will be like when WE (I'm not going to do that alone) tackle the basement and/or the barn!!! I have been very good and look carefully at each thing and ask myself "are you really going to cart this to Acton?".. sometimes I say yes, and sometimes I say no!!!!

Speaking of Acton, the barn floor was poured while we were away. Makes a big difference just having the floor in, and it has also inspired Ed to get back to work on it. Originally, when he heart was giving him trouble, he thought that he wouldn't even get to the barn building this fall. But, he has been feeling quite well, and Dave and brother Bill have offered their help when needed, so Ed is going to try and get a weather tight building before the "weather". He did get the lumber ordered before leaving on his trip, so when he gets back, it should be just about ready to be picked up. I guess the game plan is "as much as can be done" over the Thanksgiving weekend. If all goes well and we have decent weather, I bet he will get a good chunk of it done.

Poor Cammi...... just before we left, I noticed a lump in one of her teats... it's fairly common with female dogs that have not been spayed or bred. This one was pretty big and ugly, and since Karen (her co-owner) and I have decided that she won't be bred, it was time to get her in for spaying. I wanted to get this done before the holidays, so I took her in the moment we got home. Well, the spaying went well, but there wasn't just one tumor... there were three, so the vet took them all. Cam came home with a little row of stitches from the spay and about 20 staples from the tumor removals... boy, do I know how she feels!!! It wasn't that long ago when I was in the same spot. She's doing very well, but I keep her crated right now, and have her laying low. The staples come out in 10 days.. so it will still be a big of a recovery. AND then Hunter!!!! He wasn't feeling too well while we were gone, so I took him into the vet with Cam and something is going on that we can't quite put our fingers on. He has a slight cough, which, had he been in the kennel, would be like kennel cough, but he hasn't had any exposure to that sort of thing. So he is on meds for a virus and the vet wants to watch him closely cause it still could be a heart thing, though the x-rays looked OK. He's feeling much better and has been back to his old self today. I guess it never "just rains".... let's just say I gave the vet more money that we spent on vacation!!!!!................... yup, it's good to be home.....................


blogdog said...

Welcome home! I know just what you mean about being able to sleep in your own bed. Seems like a luxury after being away, doesn't it?

Good luck with the sorting out, too. I was considering selling all of our junk while Greg's away in Wyoming. ;-)

Flymaine said...

Nice barn floor!! Shouldn't you wait to put the hay in though!! Ed looks great and hopefully with the mild weather he can crank on the building...but still be careful with his heart.

My best to Cam. Poor thing. Tumors are a bummer.

~Traci~ said...

Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. The barn is looking good. Will there be enough room for tents? ;)
Hope all is well with Cammie and Hunter. We're thinking about you guys!