Saturday, January 12, 2008

a new neighbor

Last Monday, as Ed was working on the barn... a little red truck pulled up the drive. This is not so unusual for as the work progresses, neighbors have been dropping in to see what all the action is about.
This neighbor was a gal, who introduced herself as Dusty, and turns out she is just a few houses down the road. She has horses, and actually, I had been meaning to drop in and meet her all last summer, but never got around to doing it.
Anyways.... it turns out that Dusty is a professional photographer, and has won a number awards for her work. Her specialty is HORSES, and she has shot photos for almost any horse magazine that I have ever read!!! Plus, she has been commissioned by a number of authors for their books on horses, or training or whatever!!!!
She asked if she could do some photos of the barn, just to tuck into her files in case she ever has the need of them... Ed said sure. She left him a couple of her business cards (here's a copy) and her website is such fun to look at... check it out!!!!
Sadly, I still haven't met her face to face, but I did call her and she is very nice to talk with and is quite excited that another horse person is moving into the neighborhood. From what she tells me, there is a whole gaggle of horse folks there (I knew there must be) they often get together and attend clinics and rides and all sorts of things together, and told me I am more than welcomed to join them!!! Pretty nice I think....
THEN, I picked up a little rescue cocker last week from Kim at Maine Cocker rescue (he is being adopted today!!!) and she told me that she had a friend who lived in Acton, who is quite involved in Brittanys... so, she wrote to her friend, she then contacted me, and it turns out that "Ann" is also fairly close and is quite the "dog person"!!!! In fact, she and her husband moved from Eliot to Acton for much the same reason that Ed and I are!!!! She does all sorts of things with her Brits and has invited me over to see her place!!!!
So, if I ever have any "fears" of not "finding the same sort of folks in Acton" as me... guess I don't have to "worry" about that any longer!!!! There is no doubt that leaving York will be hard to do, but it's so nice that I have some new things to see and do when we are settled....... God is Good!!!!!!


Jules said...

Hello! You don't know me, but I was looking up other ppl who had similar intrests as myself. I love the picture of the horse! I haven't checked out Dusty's websit yet, but I will. I LOVE horses, but have never had the joy of owning one. (Plus I really don't have a place to keep one). Enjoyed looking at your site. It must be exciting to be building a horse barn! :o) God bless you!

Jules said...

Wow, Dusty has an awesome site! :o) Loved it! My sister would probably like it too. Epsecailly the dog pictures that is her specialty.

Anonymous said...

and does that pic look like silver or what?!? at first glance, i thought it was did you get such pretty flowers in january i wondered?!

Anonymous said...

It does look a lot like Silver boy!
I looked at the website you told me. I can't believe how those pics look!! I mean, I've seen Young Rider, that she also does, and I've seen the pictures, but not like those!!!

blogdog said...

I know John and Ann the Brittany people from YCKC. They're very nice and very involved in stuff like field trials -- so if you ever want to do any of that stuff, I'm sure they'd be tickled to introduce you to it.