Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a sunny day

Repeat after me.....

"you're feeling very sleepy"

"I am feeling very sleepy"

"the warm sun makes your eyes heavy"

"the warm sun is making my eyes heavy"

"you need to lay down"

"I need to lay down"

"It's time for a nap"

"It's time for a ..............

Mocha is hoping that everyone enjoyed this day of 80 degrees.... she sure did........


Deb said...

That's funny! My 2 horses did the exact same thing at about 12:30, they both just stretched out and snoozed.......

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Now that is just too cute.

Anonymous said...

She's so cute when she sleeping. Little Mocha is sooooo cute, even when she's awake!!

(remember when she galloped to me? That was TOO coute!)

Anonymous said...

WAIT A MOMENT!!! I watched something like that!!! Basil Rathbone, an actor,'s "The Woman In Green." (He starred as Sherlock Holmes, and Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson.)

Indian Paintbrush also does that. His head drops, and sometimes you can catch him with his nose on the ground. It's funny to watch him try to keep awake.

emma said...

I feel like that right now! =so sweet :)