Saturday, January 31, 2009

the cocoon is gone......

Brick work is progressing nicely on the farm. The chimney looks grand standing out of the roof.... now all we need is smoke!!!!! Which will happened within the next few weeks. Something so "homey" and inviting about a house with smoke coming out of it's chimney.... at least there is for me.

The garage has been the focus of Ken and crew this week. All lower walls are up, some even have their outside covering. It looks big... there is just no two ways around that!!!! Next week I think the roof will be going on, and for the most part, that will complete the full size of the house.

but, the best news of all.... the "cocoon" that was hiding the chimney and hearth is gone!!! The masons finished up the hearth this morning and they did an amazing job. Watching them working with the brick, I realize what a true talent it is to be a mason. It's one of those jobs that I think we take for "granted".... because all we ever really see is the finished product. Seeing how it all came together was very interesting.

The is the "view" that I will have from the kitchen.

I could resist pulling back the tarp and taking a peek at the hearth!!! Now, just have to get the woodstove in place!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

clean up day..

After yesterday's big snow, today was a day of "digging out"... Sadie went out to get her car cleared off... and had "quite the outfit on" to do it. I snapped a couple of photos as she brushed off her car and talked to the dogs... and I heard something like "I feel like Tasha Tudor!!!" (referring to her outfit and working out in the snow, I guess!!!)

Tasha Tudor, for those of you who may not know, was quite a famous author and artist. She wrote children books and most of the time, her "stars" are corgi dogs... (hey Mandi cute books for Maya)... any ways, they were some of my favorite books to read the girls when they were little. Tasha Tudor lived in Vermont on a farm and looked as though she was a part of the 1800's in her dress and the way that she likes to do things. Sadie is pretty sure that I will be the next Tasha when we get settled on the farm....

I don't think so.......

At least not today... Sadie beat me on that one...

I arrived on the farm to find Ed moving snow. Bless that wonderful little tractor of ours!! I don't know how we would get some things done without it..

The snow blower on the back makes quick work of tossing snow. Ed has been able to keep the fence lines clear and has made a nice "road" for me to get to the manure pile with the gator!!!

Some where behind that snow bank is a tractor!!!and my roundpen...... just in case some of you might wonder how much snow we have. Course this is a banking made by plowing, it isn't the actual amount!!!! (thank goodness!!!!)

After snow removal, Ed and I went over to the stove shop... our little stove has come in. It looks so different in a crate, that I wondered at first if it was the right one.... but it is...

With help from Eric and Buzz, Ed got the stove into the kitchen!!! Now, if the hearth is finished up tomorrow, we can get it into place, and within the next few weeks, even start small fires in it. Because both the stove and chimney are new, we will have to run small, curing fires for awhile. But that will work fine, because we don't need to heat the house, and yet it will help take the chill out when Ed and I begin to work there....

A beautiful winter sunset to close out the day........

bye bye fly....

It seems "yucky" having a blog about flies... who likes them??? They're dirty, they bite, they're annoying and all sorts of other "icky" things. but, the truth is, when you live on a farm.. they are a fact of life. We did fairly well dealing with them last fall, course the horses had only been there a very short time, and the manure pile wasn't much to speak about. However, I know that next summer if will be a different story.
So, I have been doing some research and talking with some folks and have come across these little bugs that are known as "fly Predators", basically they are another little fly-type "bug" that lives off the fly. Actually, just about everyone who has flies already have the predators as it's God's way of handling the fly population. However, sometimes the flies, in good a nice big manure pile, can get a jump on the predators and then become pests to the rest of us. I have found that you can order the predators and keep their population higher than the flies and thus, we do not have to deal with flies!!!

And this morning, (trying to be in a "spring" frame of mind) I called the company and ordered my "new friends". They will come in monthly shipments with the first arriving in May.. they are suppose to be very easy to deal with, basically, give them a few days to come out of their dormant state that they are shipped in, and take them to the manure pile and sprinkle them on. Sounds easy enough, and for the amount that I need, it runs about 30.00 a month.. so, I'm willing to give them a chance.

People who I have talked with that have used them, seem very happy with their results. Aside for the fact that I don't like flies, I have to think about out drafts with no tails!!! so for the sake of my horses, I want to do the best I can for their comfort. I'll keep you posted on the results of this experiment, but are there any blogger friends out there that have tried them.... I would love to hear from you...

And... with two feet of snow on the ground... even a yucky fly would look good just about now!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

here we go ......again.....

Another good ol' fashion snow storm!!! no doggie class tonite, no guys working on the house, horses locked in for the day, and I am beginning to think that spring would be a really, really good idea. Oh well, February is in just a couple of days, and then we'll see what Mr. Groundhog predicts.

It's a little hard to tell from this snowy photo, but there is a chimney coming up thru that roof!!! The masons finished that up yesterday. (they are back at work once again for those of you who are curious!!!) All they need to do now is finish up the hearth... which I believe that will be done on Friday.. and that part of the project is done!!! check it off the list.....and the next roof project will be shingles

What is this creature that appeared out of the snow??? Needless to say, keeping the floors any where close to dry totally out of the question.

We plow the road each time we go to the barn to check on the horses. That actually works out well, because it's easier on Ed and the truck to do "small amounts of plowing" verses waiting for it to end and then try to move it all. As the day has progressed, the snow has become more intense, and it's snowing harder now than it was at 6:00 this morning.

Ed was out at the woodpile, getting the box filled up with some of the excellent wood Rick brought last fall. We had some old wood that needed to be used up (before it rotted completely on us) and now that it's gone, we are into Rick's pile.

We're pretty happy to have it, even if I didn't get it "properly stacked" last fall.

So, an evening to be at home, cuddled by the woodstove... just hope there is something "good" on TV tonite....

this is SO my life....

A friend sent this to me... the minute I read it, I thought.... "are they talking about me??!!!" this is soooooo my life....

"If I didn't have a dog(s)...

I could walk around the yard... barefoot.. in safety.

My house could be carpeted instead of tile and vinyl.

All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture and cars would be free of hair.

When the doorbell rings, it wouldn't sound like a kennel.

And when the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading thru fuzzy bodies that have beaten me there.

I could sit on the couch or my bed the way I wanted, without taking into consideration how much space several furry bodies will need to be comfortable.

I would have money and no guilt to go on a real vacation.

I would not be on a first name basis with six veterinarians, as I put their yet..unborn grandchildren.. thru college!!!

The "most used words" in my vocabulary would not be : come, sit, stay, down, out, leave that!!!!

My house would not be corded off into zones by babygates,nor would it look like a day care center with toys all over the floor.

My pockets would not contain things like "poop bags", extra leashes and treats.

I would no longer have to spell certain words... b-a-l-l/ t-r-e-a-t / c-a-r-/ c-a-m-p/ b-a-r-n / w-a-l-k

I would not have as many leaves inside my house as there is outside my house.

I would not look strangely at people who claim that one dog or cats.. ties them down too much!!!

I would look forward to spring instead of dreading "mud" season.

I would not have to try answer the question of...

"why do you have so many animals?" to people who will never have the joy in their lives of knowing they are loved unconditionally by someone as close to an angel as they will ever get.

How empty my life would be........

Sunday, January 25, 2009

a good night for praying...

I have a list of blogs that I read daily... but tonite it seems that my blogger friends are in need of prayer, and each one that I read made me feel a little sad... so, as I list them off, you will all know "who I am talking about" and I want to say that you will all be in my prayers tonite.... my friend that is home with her little one as her hubby serves our country, my friend who just celebrated a birthday and found that she has been laid off from her work of 11 years, my friend who's hubby has had surgery and they are waiting for "healing time" to see if the surgery has "worked", a friend who finds herself a bit "short of hay" and needs to keep watch that hay isn't stolen from her property while she waits for more... some of these friends, I know personally and others are "internet" friends, but still, you are all in prayer for blessings from the Good Lord. They (the blessings) will come.........

Saturday, January 24, 2009

more farm news...

So, look has turned into Miss Social!!! I simply can not believe the change in Annabelle, every day she is friendlier.... she will allow me to pick her up (not for long) and likes to sit on the wagon seat and keep track of all that goes on. She has a "new game" of hiding under the wagon and jumping out at you!!!! Usually this is pretty funny, but there have been a few times, where I had a rake full of manure and being jumped at, has found that rake full all over the barn floor! She gets great enjoyment out of that!!!

The showers and tub arrived this week, they looked strange sitting out on the "front lawn"...but, this is the time to get them in.. before the walls are done. They aren't very fancy, just a basic white color, but both shower stalls have "seats" in them.

It is our plan to be in this house for a very long time, so we have tried to plan "ahead" in that the showers are easy access, the down stairs door openings are wider, and we can put a washer/dryer on the first floor, as well as a bedroom. I'm not excited about the truth that, we are at the very (VERY) beginning of those "golden years", but if thinking ahead now makes it easier later.. I hope we are just being "smart"....

It took all four of the guys to get those showers in!!! I'm glad Ed didn't think that he and I could do it!!!

The second wall of the garage has gone up. I remember last winter when the barn was in "this stage"... it looked so huge and out of portion, so I'm not panicked when I see this. Rough framing looks so very different from the final product... at least to me.

There is no doubt that this IS a big garage... it's four car to start with, but Ed designed the ceiling to be high with the idea that he will be able to do some restoration projects in it. He has a couple of antique trucks that he would like to do over, and he needs a high building to bring the trucks in. I am just hoping that he will finally have a place for all his stuff!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

caught ya!!!

Since moving to the farm, Ed has had more time to be around the horses. He is really enjoying them, and has become "very comfortable" around them. Today, I caught him doing what many of us "horse folk" do...
"wasting time"............ just watching and enjoying the horses as they played out in the pasture. I personally, enjoy many things about our horses, but simply watching them, being with them is one of the greatest joys... I am sure you will all agree.......

miss "tude"

"poor Mocha" has been locked in for the past couple of days. She keeps escaping from her part of the pasture and going in with the big horses. It wouldn't be such a problem, except that we find, once in a while, the big guys like to chase her. She isn't afraid, but with the snow being so deep, I am afraid. I worry that if she slipped or tripped up, they could run right over her!! and when one is 1800lbs (ish) and the other just 200 lbs. (ish) that sort of a "crash" would not be good. so, until we had a little time to add one more strand to her fence, she was locked inside.

The "big guys" were very interested in our project, Tonka was certain he could help me (or maybe he just thought that bag was full of treats!!!) Duke and Silver kept a careful eye on Ed... just to be sure that he was doing "his part" correctly!!!!

Once we let Mocha out of her stall, she went to her place of "escape" and found she could no longer get thru.... she was NOT a happy campers, and began to tear up and down in her paddock... "Miss Attitude!! ( or "Tude" for short!!) well, just too thing about these "minis" they are all horse... and they don't let you forget that for a second.
We had a number of visitors on the farm today... Chris and Lisa took a drive up to see us, and while they were there, a neighbor popped in to see how things were going. Then Ken (who helped Ed build the barn last winter) popped over with a friend of his... so all kinds of going's on. And there is one sad note to share... we lost another guinea hen. Two of them have been outside for the past couple of nights, and this afternoon, I found them both. One was still alive, but sadly the other had been grabbed by a hawk (I found what was left of her)... I am hoping the one alive will "make it" she was pretty cold when I finally got her in... silly birds, I don't understand why they decide not to come in some nights.... any ways, that takes us down to four of the original seven... I hope I won't lose any more....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

a blog for CHRIS...

It has been brought to my attention, (from very good sources), that some of my most dedicated readers feel a little sad when I don't remember to write about them. Well, we simply can not have any unhappy readers!!! so... CHRIS... this blog is just for you!!!!!

hey..... OSHA!!!

the "raising of this wall" probably wouldn't meet with OSHA standards... but who's telling???

don't look!!!!!

As long as it's standing... that's all that counts!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a day in history

Whether you voted for him or not, is of no concern to me personally.But I couldn't let this day pass without marking it here on my blog. I often write this blog with the idea that, one day, maybe one of my grandchildren or even great grandchildren might wonder "what it was like in the day"... and so, along with everyday stuff, I try to mark the "non-everyday" stuff as well. I have watched the TV off and on all morning, President Obama's speech was quite good, but I am simply amazed at the crowd that was there. Personally I wouldn't have gone, just because that kind of crowd would send me "over the edge"...but, it was so interesting to see and hear the interviews that "regular" folks gave. And so today, the United States of America, for all its wonder and for all it's faults, welcomes a new President, our 44th... and we have seen history made.

Monday, January 19, 2009

got snow...

Because Coz (and several of our other friends/blogger readers) are probably so tired from plowing snow.... they may not wish to "read" the rest of this blog...

but this picture was taken...... especially for Coz!!!! so, there you go.. Ed in his "bibbed overalls!!!!"

We got a "ton" of snow yesterday... over a foot, the good thing is, it's nice and light and pretty easy to move... and since there is so much to "move" that is a very good thing!!!!

The cockers appreciated the shoveled walkway for their (hummm...) "business" shall we say. Swimming in snow above their heads, really isn't their thing!!!

This is what the roof tops look like... course, one good wind will take care of that...
but, best of all, it's actually warmer... in the 30's today, and that feels so very nice....

birthday time...

Saturday was Ed's birthday (again) and I say again, because it honestly does not feel like it's been a "whole year" since his last one!!!

"sadly" I don't think the day was all that exciting for him, we both have colds, and then with the prediction of snow on the way, we really didn't do much of anything special... on top of that, the present that I had ordered did not come in on I didn't even have a gift for him on "his" day...

but the girls did do some planning ahead, and at "steak night" they planned having a cake (dessert) served to him and everyone sang. He said that he thought he had "gotten away" with no one knowing, until they brought the dessert....

Here are the two culprits!!! I missed out on it, because I am back to teaching dog classes again, but I'm happy that they surprised him.

We did take him out for a birthday supper Saturday evening... and had a great time with all the fam... including his brother Bill. So, it's not like the day was totally uneventful.

Happy birthday, again, sweetie.... we love you..
