"and around to the other side"
course, there is a chance that he is just looking for "that handsome fellow" again!!!!
or maybe just picking the dead bugs off... hey... there's another job.....
bug detailing.........
Can't say that our animals aren't multi-talented!!!
We have new neighbors in the barn... the swallows have found the overhang and are beginning to make new homes. I don't know how many pair we have, since they dart in and out so fast. But what a racket when one bird chooses the wrong the "cubby"..... the Blue Indigo's are not so happy with the new neighbors... I think they like the peace and quiet... and then the swallows arrived. I am happy to have them all... they're all bug eaters!!!!
Next weekend, we are having a driving clinic here on the farm. Our friend, Butch will be running the seminar, and we have seven "students" coming to learn about driving. Butch is bringing two of his Belgians with him, and then Tonka and Duke will also be "used", as well as Mocha. This will give the students a wide variety of horses to work with.
So, with that in mind, I have been trying to work the boys in harness as much as possible. Can't have them "rusty" when they are going to be teachers!!!
Pulled Duke out last evening.... now, the "rule" is, when there are big (very big) horse feet on the floor... cocker spaniels must be in a safe place!!! Sadie's little dog, Tatter, took refuge on a few bales of hay!!! and we got this cute photo of them!!! It's so nice to have horses that like dogs and dogs that can behave around horses... makes for a peaceful kingdom!!!!
Betty came over to work with Mocha... my goodness, was she a "twit" last night!!! She gave Betty a real run for her money, and finally, I asked Betty if I could step in and fix this little attitude.
Mocha wasn't too happy when "Mommy" got behind the reins, and finally decided that she should "just go with it"..... mares!!!!!!
Then Betty took over once again, and they had a fine lesson together....
think we better do a little more work with Miss Mocha before this clinic!!!!!!
This is great! See theres always something to write about...
Love all of your pictures! Mr. Inspector Gadget sure looked like he was getting the job done well! The last picture looks like how I have felt all day! :o)
Hi Sue! I can't wait for next weekend! What great blogs this week! I LOVE the inspector gadget pictures and the picture of Tatter and Duke is priceless! I'm getting Alice out to do some work today as well, It's obvious that she and Mocha share bloodlines....the last time that she was out with me was exasperating to say the least. I'll tell you all about it. Talk to you soon! Deb
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