If you live here in New England, you are probably beginning to grow gills and webbed feet, we are all so tired of the rain/fog/wet/drizzle... etc. etc...I feel bad for the folks who are paying to be here... certainly there hasn't been much in the way of swimming or outdoor activities... from what I understand, there might be a glimmer of sun for the 4th, I think we are all banking on that.
But in another department "it rains, it pours" has a more positive meaning... in that I have been pretty busy with dog training lately. I had two private sessions today, and another one tomorrow morning, plus class tomorrow night. This is a real blessing right now, and I am most grateful to the Good Lord for sending me the work!!!! I like traveling to new towns, meeting some wonderful folks and working out the little quirks with their dogs....
Today, while I was running the roads.. Ed and Sadie got the birdies all switched around. The hens have been moved to a new outside pen (well, outside the barn, their pen is under the lean to roof),and the turkey chicks have been moved from their small cage to the "birdie stall"... I didn't get to see them in their new house tonite, but Sadie said they are very happy with all the space. That is something that you do have to watch... to make sure they have plenty of space, or they will pick (peck) on each other!!! The stall should hold them for a bit until we can figure out what we are going to do about a "birdie building" and pens. One thing for sure, I am glad to have them out of the tack room... for the truth is, they are smelly little buggers, no matter how clean you keep them, and I am happy to get my tack room back to tack!!!!
We are looking forward to the 4th.. Kas, Nate and grand dogs are coming to spend the weekend...and we will have friends here for a cookout on the 4th. Unless the weather greatly improves, it's unlikely right now that there will be much in the swimming department, but I will enjoy my company just the same. I do wish it felt more like summer... it's so hard to think that today is the last day of June... it feels more like the middle of April, except that we have green leaves and grass.
No one has cut any hay, and that it a bit worrisome.. I am extremely glad that we bought a big load last year, because I am OK in the hay department, but I do know that some other horse friends are getting a little nervous with their low supply. It's doubtful (to me) that we will get a second cut around here, but I am not a "hay man", so I don't know that for sure. We need about a week of good sunshine and gentle breezes to dry out the fields so they can be cut. I will definitely buy another 500 bales or so this year as well, I like the security of knowing that we have hay in the loft. I was also hoping to do some berry picking this spring and haven't done that either, maybe if Friday is somewhat good weather wise, I will go and see what is left in the berry patch. I have an urge for some nice fresh, sweet strawberries...
We might have our computer back by the end of the week, and I can post pics with the blogs once again, I hope so, I miss doing that...
well, guess that's about it for this evening and for this month... tomorrow we begin again...
hello July.....................
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