Monday, December 14, 2009

the life of Jesus....

A local church and a private collector of these porcelain figurines set up this whole display honoring the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We had heard that it was a "not to be missed" event, so Saturday night, we went to see it. Even though these pictures are pretty good, it really doesn't do justice...but I am so glad that we went to see it, and definitely a great way to celebrate Christmas.

"they" started us out in Bethlehem with the arrival of Mary and Joseph... and wanted to show that Bethlehem was just a normal little town, going about it's business with no idea of the great happenings yet to come...

(so much detail.. I could have spent hours there)

then the moved us to the arrival of the wise men and the run in with King Herod...

the flight to Egypt to save "baby Jesus" from the slaughter of Kind Herod

and several "scenes" later, the celebration of "Palm Sunday" when Jesus rode a colt into the city

the last supper (with a bit of artistic flare)

and the crucifixion

and the celebration.. "For He is not here, He has arose as He has said that He would"

"For God so loved the world that He sent His Only Son, and he that believe will have ever lasting life".......


Jules said...

That sounds really neat! Thanks for sharing your pictures. Looks like something I would be interested.

I love your new header picture too. :o) Merry Christmas!

phaedra96 said...

What an extraordinary amount of work went into that display! Absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing.