Thursday, January 14, 2010

puppy night

Friday night, the Maine Chapter of NEADS had "Puppy night" at the mall. They try to meet fairly often and had actually met back in December, but I was too sick to attend.

This month, however, Chester and I were there.. and it was great fun. Chester got to meet Logan.. a "REAL" service dog!!! Maybe one day, that will be Chester in a "graduation" vest...

Logan is an amazing dog, and so dedicated to his owner Suzan. we had such a nice time talking together.

And this is Freedom.. another service puppy - course being "babies" you just know that you have to have play time!!!!

Here, Suzan is showing her scooter to Chester.. but I think he was more interested in the treats she had in her pocket. Nothing "bothers" this puppy, and he thought it was just fine walking beside the scooter. When we go to Walmart or the like, the carts don't bother him.. Abbie's stroller doesn't bother him.. so I think if he is a service dog that "deals with wheels".. he's going to be great.

I would have liked to have more photos, but.. I guess there is a policy in the mall now that says "no picture or video taking".. security reasons.. and I do appreciate that, but pictures of puppies?? Any who, I snuck in a few photos.. but certainly didn't get as many as I would have wanted. Can't wait for our next puppy meeting!!!!

1 comment:

Angel Logan said...

It was so nice to finally meet you and Chester! He certainly had no issues with the scooter did he? Logan was very impressed and said he was a very polite puppy.