Thursday, February 25, 2010

house up date

We have had a little taste of spring around here!!! yahoo.... and Mr. G was pretty happy to find some nice dirt to roll around in... silly bird!!! The other two guinea hens are dying to get outside and join him, but I am hoping to keep them in on the chance that they might lay some eggs. I still think I have a hen and cockerel.. but only time will tell, and if so, I don't want a repeat of last spring when we "lost" Mrs. G and her whole nest...

Is this a stick up??? NO.. it's actually me
.. being a "good girl" and wearing a mask as I continue in the sanding of sheetrock. The mask has made a huge difference, the cough is nearly gone (just shows up when my voice gets tired.. like at the end of a night of dog classes)...and I do sense it more just walking into the house. We had set a goal of having all the sheetrocking/sanding done by the end of this month. It's ALMOST going to happen.. we are very close to being finished, but it won't quite be "done"....

the downstair bathroom has had the most attention this past week... I should be able to do the final sanding here tomorrow.. and then, it's onto primer paint.....

The front hallway is coming along right behind... it won't be too long before we'll be looking at finishing up the stairs... (railings and the like).... I need to be thinking of "what" color it's going to be....

This is our bedroom... by the end of next week, I think this room will also have a coat of primer paint on it....

But, the "good news" is the other two bedrooms are "done"... this front room will be Sadie's... she is looking at her "colors" now...

and this is the back bedroom.. which will be Abbie's room (I really like this bedroom... I think it's the best one in the house!!!) This room has the nicest view of the back woods and Garrish Mountain.. it gets great sun and is always so bright and cherry... just the perfect room for a little girl...

so, as we look at the end of February... that's where we stand in the "housework" right now... some days, I feel like we will never see the end of it, and other days I am amazed at how far we have come in a relatively short amount of time. One thing for SURE, when we are finally settled here, there won't be a day when i won't appreciate it.....

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