Sunday, May 30, 2010

blog, blog

I decided that I would postpone my dog classes while working. I figured that after being on my feet all day, I wouldn't be up for classes as well. I like to give my students the very best, and being tired, I wouldn't be able to do that. But one thing is, by postponing classes, I could do the "evening things" that I often miss out on... One being steak night!!!! The kids came too, since we would all be together... Kas kept Abbie entertained with this mirror that was behind our table!!!

Our gals!!!!!!

Abbie with Uncle Coz!!! She loves him!!!

The other big event for the week... arrival of kitchen cabinets!!!! This is very exciting!! because all the appliances are waiting in a warehouse for us... so.. once we get going, we're going to have a REAL kitchen!!!

Just waiting for me to get them painted... ah, yes... more painting!!!!!

Saturday evening, we were invited to the neighbors for a BBQ. They had sent their "piggie to market" and had a nice roast for the neighborhood. Everything was so good and we had such fun visiting with everyone. It's one of those things that you should do more often... getting to know your neighbors... and this might be the start of something good...

Course you know, you must have a fire at such events.. and why is it the moment you set it, the wind picks up off the lake??? This looks pretty bad, but really it was only like this for a few moments, and once there was a nice bed of coals.. you know we made s'mores!!!!

Abbie didn't last for the whole party, and what's better than being snuggled in your Grandfather's sweatshirt????

We enjoyed a beautiful sunset....

and were entertained by the calling of the loons....sort of hated to see the day come to a close.

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