Thursday, June 17, 2010

NEVER again....

In two weeks, we have the first of our summer renters arriving in the big camp. Which means, it's time for us to leave. When we started this house project, I never thought that we would spend two winters in the big camp, but that's the way it turned out. Our first winter there, I brought all kinds of "my things" with me, then when we had to move out last spring, I sort of "regretted" that idea. Then it turned out that we needed the big camp a second winter, so last fall, I brought as little as possible with us. Still the move out this spring has been almost as long.

I find moving extremely stressful. I just don't know how people do it... especially folks in the military. who can move a number of times in a short amount of time... it certainly isn't for me!!! This time, because I know that we won't be here again for the winter season, I am taking all that I can to the farm house and living with as little as possible in the little camp. Good thing... because we are about as squished as you would ever want to be. Three adults, a baby.. seven dogs... I haven't even bothered bringing the cats in (they'll be going to the farm) and of course Titus.... he'll be moved to the farm as well. We also have to get the big camp ready for rent... and that in itself will be at least a week of work... so good thing we "moved out early".....

It hasn't taken this crew long to feel settled in at the little camp. They know how to chill and not let life stress them out... maybe I should pay more attention to my dogs!!!!

Now, aside from the fact that I have been doing some "playing"... then moving and cleaning up.. work does continue in the house. Which is good, because we really... REALLY want to be in there soon. We got the tile down in the pantry and this past week, Ed got the grout put in... he puts it down....

And I wipe it up. The thing about the pantry being so small is that we had to work in sections. So actually this room went well, because one would get a break when the other did their part of the work. Now that the floor is done, we can move those cabinets in!!!!!

We're bearly keeping ahead of Steve. He's laying the wood floor downstairs now... and here's the living room!!!!

With this part of the house being done, we can move Titus in over the weekend. And the cats will soon follow.. that way the big camp will be totally empty of our things. Our goal date is the 4th... we'll see!!!!

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