Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween eve was on Saturday this year, around here we call it "beggar's night" or "mischief night", but it's when "we" go trick or treating. Our family has never put much stock into Halloween, so we tend to keep it "light" around here, dress up in something fun and go out for the candy but that's about the extent of it. The day dawned very pretty, I was up early because it was my day to work at the post.. but I got to see this beautiful sunrise.

Our friends, Becky and Butch were on their way down.. they had a private hay ride to do with their team of horses, and then planned on spending the night with us, and work with our team on Sunday. (that's the next blog)...

when I got home from work... Abbie was waiting to show me her costume...

can you guess what Abbie was????

she was " A-bee" (get it).....

I have to say... she was just adorable in this little outfit, and because it was so comfortable, she was more than happy to wear it as she played around the house.

We don't have any "real" trick or treating here in town, so Sadie and Tom trucked down to the hometown to do some visiting there. They had a great time......
We spent the evening helping Becky and Butch with the hayride and got in rather late... but look at what was at the front door when we came in....

This wonderful little owl was sitting right by the door on the porch. At first I wondered if "he" might be hurt. But he seemed to be just fine.

I took several pictures of "him" before he flew away. Seems like he almost posed for me most of the time....

I think we might have seen this little chap before... when we were working on the house, and it wasn't quite closed in.. the guys came one morning and found a little owl in one of the rooms upstairs.
I have found out that this type of owl is called a "northern saw-whet".. they are very small - only about a half pound, and are great for eating mice, snakes, frogs and other small critters.
I have looked on line to see if there is some "tale" about finding an owl on your door stoop on Halloween eve... can't say there is one.. but I hope it might be lucky.


BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

LOL-That's an awesome costume for A-bee. She looks adorable.

And that's an awful cute little owl you have visiting you too. Maybe he was hoping you would invite him in for a warm night in 'his' bedroom.

My native tribe believes seeing an owl in the daylight is a bad omen. You must not acknowledge that you saw him. (I don't know the history behind that superstition though) But it was clearly dark when you saw him, so all is well.

Anonymous said...

AHHHHH Sue that little cutter is so cute. So tiny and a yet a puff ball. I'm curious if he thinks you built him a new house? A social little thing. Yeah that gets a cute star for sure along with A-Bee! FUN!

phaedra96 said...

The bee and the owl are both adorable. Glad to see the boys had an attitude adjustment; a team as big as that and wanting to do their own thing is not a pretty thing to see. It sure is nice to have a more knowing hand to step in and put everyone on the right path.