Thursday, August 16, 2012

new arrivals...

About a month ago, a friend of our's came and asked if we might be able to find some room on the farm for her two horses. I won't go into detail, because it's private, but will say that she needed a spot where her horses were safe and she could easily see them. We made a "quick stall" under the eves of the barn and have been using the round pen as a enclosure for the time being. Since it was decided that the horses will be here for a bit, Denise went looking for a more "permanent" house for them.
She found a company who works with the Amish and ordered this sweet little barn for her horses. It has two stalls and a tack room (in the middle) and the building arrived yesterday. (On her birthday no less!!!). It was built in Pennsylvania and trucked up. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but was surprised to see it come like this. 
We had an area all cleared and a "pad" made of stone dust to set the building on. The gentleman who delivered it was pretty happy to see what we done (and said it was one of the easiest deliveries he has ever done). 
Once it was all lined up (girls... we are so picky about "where" it had to go...) He lifted the trailer and it began to gently slide off....
just as easy as could be... it was fun to watch and I was amazed....
He "unlocked" the doors, made sure everything was to plumb...
And there you have it... instant barn!!! Allie and Abbie were quite thrilled to be the first ones inside and checked it all out.
It's very nicely made... sliding windows in the stalls and tack room... all "barred" to protect from any chewing...

Very roomy.. ceilings have a good height to them...

Now dark skies won't be a worry any more!!!!!

And it looks so nice and really "adds" to  the farm. Denise now has the fun of "moving in" and getting settled. We have fencing to do - but even that is a fun project... and her horses will be free to go in and out, like our guys do....
And our "little" farm increases a bit more......we're going to have a good time together.....


Mary Ann said...

We have two of these building, albeit smaller than this one. It really is fun to watch them be delivered! We are actually in the market for a third, to be the home for our turkeys, so my poor husband won't have to start building them a new home as he finishes the third henhouse! Your friend's barn is beautiful (and you are a good friend to her!)

Alex said...

what a blessing you could offer!

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME, my kind of construction. Do you think I could have a mudroom delivered that way?

Christine said...

Love it! Such a nice looking arrival and how great that it's accompanied by horses!