Living in the state "where the Christmas trees grow" (to quote a song).. we're pretty lucky to be able to go and find that perfect tree. With our trip just a few days off, and wanting Abbie to pick the tree, we put on the coats and boots and headed out. At least this year, we are not dealing with "snow above their knees".....or bitter cold for that matter, it was actually a good day to get the tree.
Ok, so I'll admit, I'm just a little bit "fussy" about the tree... Ok.. a lot fussy about the tree, so obviously... this WASN'T what I was looking for!!!!
I am going to instill good tree picking skills in Abbie, and yes it is perfectly fine to pass a hundred or more before finding just the right one!!!! (besides, stomping in mud while you look always adds a bit of pleasure!!!)
And then, right before your very eyes... it appears!!!!!
Here's a good test for a new boyfriend... 1. will you go with the family on the tree hunt... and 2. are you willing to get down on the ground, under the tree and do the cutting....
Jesse passed on both accounts!!!!
Can't change your mind now Abbie!!!!!
Still think it would be fun to bring a horse and have him haul it out.....
On this farm, however, the mud buggy does the job, at least we don't have to lug it back to the car!!!!
Let's see, next year's tree????
I knew this was a "real" Christmas tree farm!! (see, Kas, there is a nice warm barn for the trees!!!!)
But, for now, a nice warm house will be it's home for Christmas..... let the season begin!!!!!
Whoo-hoo! A couple new posts! I guess that means I need to get busy on my blog.
Great seeing the pics and hearing about my dear friends in Maine.
Blessed Christmas to all!
haha! I like how my dog got to take part!!! :)
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