I just love it when Abbie is able to come and visit back on the farm!!!! This is like a second home to her, and she is always up for any projects that need to be done. Today... "move the keets to their new and much bigger home"... so, we cleaned out the coop, and got it all ready for the new owners!!!!
Because the birds are quite big (and slightly wild) it was just as easy to put their cage in the back of the gator and drive them over to the coop. Abbie took her job of "watching that it doesn't fall out the back" very seriously. The birds got a little upset about their adventure into the big world...
But, once they were in the coop, it didn't take them long to feel right at home. It was fun to watch them peck around in the cleaning shavings and stretch their wings... I'll keep them locked in for a week or so, and then open up the door and let them have the penned area as well..... happy birds!!!!
Sunflowers!!!! and happy bees..... but I can't take any credit for this year's flowers. I didn't plant these.. in fact, I had planted other sunflowers in another spot, but these are the ones that came up. From what I can tell... and since they are in the same place as last year.... the birds must have dropped seeds as they were eating off the flowers, and those seeds are the ones that took root....
They're so pretty, and I am already planning on just leaving these and "allowing" the birds and such to replant for me again. Since we all know the type of gardener that I am NOT... might as well let the better gardeners do their jobs.....
We had our monthly check in at neads again. And their gardens are so pretty that I just had to have Danny boy do a quick photo shoot for me. He's really turning into such a handsome dog.....
"OK Mom... enough of the pics already... let's do something!!!"
Since Danny is the only puppy we have right now, the eval doesn't take too long. We did our usual trek threw the city and went to meet the train, but all of this is beginning to be old hat to this boy.
Rayvan was in the kennel at neads, and Linda was so happy to be able to see her again. Dave thought it would be OK for her to join us on the city walk. Danny was happy to have the company....... I'm hoping there will be more puppies shipped up our way soon.... it's way more fun to have a group of puppies to "play" with!!!!!
Now, here's a photo!!!! Back in early summer when we were doing one of our pet therapy visits.. I got talking with a gal about horses. She said she loved them and was in fact, doing some therapy riding. I told her about our horses and how we had a mini that liked to do visiting. One of the staff heard us talking, and asked if there might be a time when I could bring Mocha over to see them. I said absolutely!!! and today.... was that day..... not so sure how Moxie and Maya felt when they saw Mocha.......
But the clients were quite excited to see her... well... most of them were!!! Some of them came right over and began to fuss over her, and others weren't so sure about a "horse" showing up.....
Mocha was amazing... she really enjoyed all the attention, and my biggest "fear" was that she might accidentally step on someone. Not that she is all that heavy, but still a hoof on your foot can hurt.....
This young man has his own pets, including horses so he was very happy to visit Mocha. Because his mobility is so limited, I had to bring Mocha in close to him... she had no fear of his wheel chair and he was so happy that she would move in so close to visit....
I saw big smiles all threw out the visit. But this young woman was especially fun. She was terrified when she first saw Mocha and didn't want anything to do with her. Then, after watching all her friends fussing over Mocha.. she decided that she could be brave enough and move in closer. With some time, and a bit of encouragement, but the end of the visit... this is what she was able to do. She was so proud of herself "being so brave".. and Mocha was so sweet and gentle... she told me "you bring her back anytime and I won't be afraid again"...... now, that is what a pet visit is all about!!!!
Such a great day and experience for those all around.... I've done some visits with Mocha off and on... but after today, I think I need to bring her around more often.... she certainly knows how to make smiles!!!!
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