Monday, September 08, 2014
a farm Sunday...
After the thunderstorms rolled threw, we finally got back to some nice weather!!! Much cooler, no humidity --- just what I like. Funny how "everyone" seems happier with this weather, I guess we're just not "hot weather folks". The sunflowers this year are as pretty as always... and as you can see, the bees are very happy to have them around.
But, I must confess... I didn't plant them!!!! I did put seeds in on another patch of "garden" (which by the way - did not grow) and these beauties came up where I had planted last year. So, thanks to the birds and other critters, who, took seeds from last years plants and left them along the way.
The "patch" is as big, if not bigger than last years.. so I have pretty much decided just to leave things alone and maybe I'll have the same luck next year. I have long admitted that I am no gardener, and for me... if I just let nature and the Good Lord do their work... I am far better off!!!!!
We have a big "event' happening later this week (more to say about that later).. so today seemed to be a good day to catch up on all the things that I didn't do during the heat snap. Course the barn is always tops on the list, but barn work isn't "work" in my book. Sure there are some mornings (when it's snowing and cold) where it seems a little like a bother, but 98% of the time... I love puttering in my barn....
Ed was out on the mower, getting the lawn and such looking nice.....
And, after their big move to the coop, I have begun letting the babies out in the pen. They are having the grandest time looking around for bugs and the like. They are so funny, and like to practice "flying". The big birds have begun to take an interest in them... here's hoping I can get this flock to mell together... however, that usually isn't the case....
After Ed finished the lawn, we did tackle one very big project... Duke's stall!!!! Between the size of him, and the way the horses goof on in there.. the mats in his stall have been shifted all around. Which means, the sawdust and manure has been pushed underneath, and it's getting to be a real pain to try and clean it. So.. we pulled all the mats out.. washed them (and the stall) down, and after it dries.. we'll put them back. Let me just say, these mats are super heavy, definitely a two man job!!! But, it will be worth it, when I have to muck again.....
Now, the "event' that is coming up is in need of a tractor... and not "just any" tractor... the little "L" is being pressed into service. Sadly, it hasn't seen daylight for a long time, so after the farm chores, we pulled it out.
It's been happily sitting in a corner in the garage, and wouldn't start up for us. But, we can push it about, and Ed got her all cleaned up. There really isn't any reason why she shouldn't run, just lack of use... so Ed is hoping to putter on her this winter and get her chugging again...
But for now, it was easy to roll it out on the front lawn....
So... Abbie's papercup pumpkin is coming along nicely.... she planted this pumpkin seed at school last spring in a paper cup... as they were studying plants and planting. She came home with a beautiful plant in the little cup and asked where she could put it. I told her anywhere she wanted to... and she chose the "flower" garden along the walkway... oh well....
Now, if it had been one I tried to plant, it would have been "gone" long ago, but this silly plant has taken off, and look at the nice little pumpkin she has coming!!!! She has decided that she will pick it on her birthday in October and it will be her Halloween pumpkin.....
I have promised not to touch it, and only look at it to make sure it doesn't need water!!!!!
The horses were out and about, enjoying the last of the grass and the cooler temps.....(this is Duke)....
and Tonka..... I really need to make some time and do some driving this fall. I'm not so sure "what" I have been so busy doing... but it would seem I just haven't had any driving time!!!!
And the big guinea birds had some plan in their heads... thought who knows what guinea hens think about!!!!
So, just a happy "normal" day on the farm... nothing too exciting to really write about.. but certainly a day that was most enjoyable....
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