Wednesday, February 11, 2015

snow, snow snow.....

They're telling us now, that we are in "an active winter pattern"... and it continues that about every three to four days... we get snow. Real snow.. not just a few inches, but anywhere from a half foot to a couple of feet. Life around the farm seems to be... keeping warm (it's also been extremely cold).. and digging out.... good thing we have lots of room around here, because the bankings are getting impressive....
The one good thing about high bankings is when the winds races down the field, it always fills the driveway right back in. At least now they are kind of acting as a block...
Not likely we'll see the little stone horse for quite sometime...
The doggies don't seem to mind it too much. Danny has a good time digging about the snow...
He makes good paths that the cockers can follow in..... 
yup.... it's winter.....
The drift by the cellar door is so high that the doggies have to climb up to go out. And now they can just sit on the top of the drift and peek in the window.... 
When Ed gets a minute .... (which are few and far between with work and snow).. we're going to have to get the tractor into the dog yard and blow some of this out of the way.....
I try to keep the door as clear as I can... now just for the doggies, but they bring some much inside when they "slide" in...... nice that we have heated floors in the cellar, at least they do dry quickly....
Even with all this winter going on outside... I'm thinking spring... actually... spring dog shows. Kathleen with Brutus and me with Livy are taking an obedience class with Diane.. getting ready to show in the rally obedience class. It's a nice class and gives us (and the dogs) something to think about... Livy and Brutus are becoming good friends...
Here's today's rally course... Livy is really picking up on the training here, and its such fun to be a student (and not always the teacher) to have sometime with my little dog, and think of getting back into the show rings in the spring...
Livy says she's up for any adventure....
And it seems that Danny boy isn't going to be with us much longer. Dave at neads is working on finding a spot for him and getting him back to move on to the advance training.... another year of service dog raising has gone flying by.....
It is as cold as this picture looks...

I can only say..... YES!!!!

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