Saturday, June 20, 2015

more bees.... and turkeys.....

Our second bee hive arrived on Sunday, but we were working at the beach house.. getting that ready for another summer season, so I wasn't able to get this hive until later in the day. I'm so happy to be back with two hives again... I really like my bees, and hopefully we can get these two hives nice and strong. Because it was late  in the day, the "girls" were more interested in going to bed, so the transfer was pretty easy to do....

Everyone was "looking good"... now just a few days to settle in, and they'll be off doing their good works in the world....
It was back to Larissa's farm .... and even though she does have some very cute babies... we weren't here for the goats....
Though Abi was quite taken by this little baby... who happens to be a triplet..... and was perfectly happy to snuggle right into Abi's arms....

We had come to collect some turkey chicks.... yup, Ed and I are raising turkeys again this year. I have finally eaten all the birds from previous years.. the freezer is empty and it's time to do another batch. Kass also had one too many rooster Silkies and Larissa said she would exchange them for hens, so Kass took her up on that offer....
She also "threw in " a few guinea fowl keets for me.... Abi was in charge of the box that they were in....
Back on our farm... mud puddles proved to be way more fun and exciting than new chicks... but what little boy with boots on, can resist a good chance to splash and run threw puddles....
Especially when his doggies join him......

We got the babies into their new home. They're just a couple days old, so for a while they will need a heat lamp and plenty of food to grow....
They're pretty cute right now, but that will change, and honestly by the time it's "time" I am usually pretty happy to see them go....
There are 17..... I ordered 15 (since people have said they will be more than happy to buy one from me)... Larissa gave me a couple more, just in case "someone " doesn't make it. But we usually have good luck with turkeys..... we'll see, it will be quite a batch if we get them all to weight ...
But for now... we're just enjoying their "cuteness".....

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