One draw back with warm fall temps... the colors on the trees has been very late in coming this year... usually by now the edge of the fields are full of color... but this year, it's only beginning to change. It's going to take a good old frost to get things moving....
Not to say that there isn't any color, but we are still waiting. Still though, it's a pretty view on my trek down to the barn in the mornings...
The first true and heavy frost arrived on the 23rd....
and it almost had a "snow" look about it. As pretty as it is, now I feel that nesting thing beginning to take hold and I see all the fall things that still need to "get done" before long.... we need more hay in the barn... wood stacked.. bees buttoned up, and the list goes on and on....
Time to hussle......
Chances are however, we won't get much of that done with weekend.... because the "grands" are coming to stay!!!! Abi of course stays over often, and lived here for a few years... so sleep overs are nothing new to her...
But it is Reagan's first sleep over ..... and we have been more than excited about having him come!!!! I picked them up this afternoon and we headed to the farm with the jeep full of "supplies"....
We have been doing work on the round pen... taking out the hard ground, and bringing in sand and better footing for the horses. Since it's not high on the list, it's a project that has been sitting for a while....
But when the grands saw those big piles of sand... what is better than a giant sandbox to play in. So while I got the evening chores done.. they two of them were more than happy to drive trucks (and tractors) threw the piles... this entertained them for hours....
Reagan told me that "Kevin" (his tractor) was very happy with the piles and that they could get it all smoothed in out in no time.. (I so wished)....
When Papa got home from work... we were still all there.... and only darkness and the promise of supper pulled those two off the piles.....
So so so much fun to have kiddos at the table tonite!!!!!
And the living room soon filled with toys and games......they play so well together now.. Reagan tells Abi all about the tractors and she tells him all about the horses... and it doesn't take long for the two to come together....
They did great, but I had some reservations about how things would go after it got dark. I just decided that bed time would be when bed time was... and that idea worked well. They stayed up fairly late, but once the sleeps set in... everyone settled in for the night and we had a peaceful rest......
Kassy came by the next day to get Reagan and we all went out to breakfast and then headed over to the shop. Dave is putting a big addition on the building.... and this past week the foundation was poured.... he bought a steel building to be the addition and this weekend, the men folk have been working on getting up.....
We were excited to see how the progress was going, and of course watch the equipment working.... so over we went to watch...
Dave, Ed, Nate and Sean worked all weekend... they work well together so the whole project went very well. I know I keep bragging on the weather, but it's been a real plus when things like this need to be done.... and today was no exception...
Reagan was happy to help Daddy drive the man lift....
Sean seems comfortable working in the high spots....
Ed had the job of the line up on the ground and Dave putting the pieces in place.... and that's how they worked all weekend. By Sunday afternoon... the structure was all up and looking good. It's hopes that the roof and walls will be up before bad weather.... but times slips by fast......
My little group of veterans and dogs are growing and doing well. These folks all passed the Canine Good Citizen test this past week......
They're such a nice group of folks and the word is getting out there and new students are waiting to join in...
one thing for sure, my life is never dull or not busy... but I really don't want it any other way....
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