Monday, December 21, 2015

shortest day.... longest night.....

Mild temps, no snow and a quietness makes this "shortest day of the year" seem so not seasonal. The sun wasn't shiny bright this morning... but it's nice to think that after this evening, the days began to get longer once again. 
It's kind of funny that I work nights, because I never really like being out away from home at night. I remember a very long time ago, I was offer a "job" selling Longerberger baskets.. and as much as I loved them, I didn't think the job would be right for me because I would be away from home mostly in the evenings. Then the dog training business really took off, and where am I ... out teaching classes most evenings. I have really been enjoying my break between classes, Ed has been getting "real"dinners at night, and it's nice to do chores and then get to settle in for the evening.  But, I'm only going to get away with this for a couple more weeks and it's back to work. I love my work, so that is helpful, and even more helpful will be driving to and from in daylight... though that is still going to take some time. 

The little "wild" things are having a good winter. Food must be easy to find when it's open like this. I know the coyotes have been on the run, and we have been hearing them almost every night. They're close by too and sometimes sound like they are right in the back yard. I have been trying to get the doggies in and out "early"... I highly doubt a coyote would jump the fence and bother the dogs... but I just like them in when the howling begins....
Thinking of the birdies.. I have asked for a couple of bird feeders for Christmas. With the deck completed I would like to have them out there. I could easily see them enjoying the feeders and wouldn't have to worry about the bears getting into them... 

so, on this shortest day, longest night... all is well and again I realize how extremely blessed we are.....Happy Winter

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