Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas time...

Well, I thought it was Santa who brought the gifts, but it looks like Baby and Papa must be one of his best helpers. A jeep filled with gifts (such a blessing!!!) is all set to head to the little ones, and have a day of joy, family.. fun.. celebrations!!!! 
We arrive at Kassy and Nate's and find that yes, indeed, Santa has found his way to their house as well. I love all the things about Christmas, almost too many to list... but having the opportunity to return to this little house, were our family began, is something that I will never take for granted. I love that Kassy is bringing her family up in the same little house that she grew up in, and I love knowing that it's in good hands and is so appreciated as well.... but... that's all another story and I need to get back to this Christmas celebration...
Reagan didn't have to wait completely for us to arrive, he had already had some of his gifts, but he sure was happy to see that we "finally" got there. 
With his new little kitchen, he offered both Papa and I coffee to begin our day....
Oh Cal.. I know it's been an early morning and you don't quite know what all this excitement and business is about, but next year, that will all be different.
Time for breakfast, and Nate always puts on a big feed for everyone.....
Calvin seemed pleased with our gift of a nice soft teddy bear....

And Reagan found his little bank (gobbling dog) to be quite entertaining .....
Ferguson... like Cal.. was a bit overwhelmed by it all.... but our pets are certainly invited to all the fun
In the past, little Camille has been the traveling dog.... but this year, the torch has been passed, and so Livy came along for the festivities.....(I miss Camille so much) it does seem strange not to have her with me this year...

Family photo opt.....
Abi, Sadie and Jessie popped into Kassy's as well... the house was filled with laughter, excitement and sound... and I loved having all the grands together....

Abi has begun a little collection of the "my little ponies"... so Papa wanted to make a shelf for her to keep them on. He shaped it as a barn and used wood from the old barn that had  been on his grandparents farm in Canada.... She was so pleased with it.....

When Reagan saw it, he said he needed one for his tractor collection!!! Guess Papa has another "to do" on his list....

Everyone is right... Grands are just so much fun!!!!
And for the record... it took about 15 photos to get just this one.... these kiddos of ours!!!

Looks like it's crashing time. So, now Papa and I head back to the farm to tend all the critters before we head down again for the big family at Meme and Beepas... it makes for a lot of running back and forth and a super crazy day... but for the moments we get to have, I wouldn't trade any of this.....
Later in the day, the whole family meets at Mom and Dads (aka Meme and Beepa)... I still am in awe that we get to be all together and having such fun. So many families live far away from one another and don't have opportunities like this, I never take this for granted. 

Dad hasn't been feeling that great over the past couple of months. But he was determined to get in Christmas as much as he could. He did spend much of the time snoozing, but having him with us is so important. I had some big fears he might be in the hospital, but he isn't.. and so we just enjoy...

Beepa wasn't the only one who slept threw much of the fun... this little guy found it all too much.... next year he'll find this exciting ...

And so, another Christmas celebration is in the books. It was a great day... we had such a good time, and the true meaning of Christmas was celebrated, the birth of our Savior.. the joy of family.. the blessings of gifts....

and my sincere wish and prayer that this could be like this for everyone.....

Christmas blessings to one and all....

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