Sunday, May 28, 2017

Memorial day..for real

Memorial Day is here once again, and the weather is perfect. Things are beginning to bloom around the farm, and garden horse looks grand surrounded by green things. I did a little changing and dug out all the grass around him and added mulch. I'm happy with the look and have a few other areas that I would like to do the same with. I'm not a gardener, never have been... never will be, but once in a while I do "get it" and then proceed with the project... 
We've had the flock of geese hanging around the farm for the past few weeks. My guess is they are returning from their winter home and probably scooping out the area to see what's best for the family to come. They seem to take off during the day and return at night, but I'm pretty sure they will go one day and will be gone for the summer. I'm glad we have a place for them to camp out until they can find the right home. 

The family had been talking about when we will put Dad's ashes into the ground. Back in February when he passed, and then in March at the services, it wasn't a good time to try and do this. Dad want to be buried in the cemetery behind their house, so we have been waiting to do just that. Mom has taken the lead on all of this, and decided that Memorial Day would be the best time. 
So, we gathered the family, a few relatives and some close friends, and had a very small service in the back yard. It was sad being the absolute last of all of this, but also in a way, a time to just allow everyone to catch their breath and move on.
My Mom (and Aunt Doreen, Mom's sister in law) we very brave... I love how little Amy just did her thing and went from person to person. Paul, a friend and pastor, gave a nice service and was very complimentary on how this family has pulled and stayed together threw these life changes... I know that Dad would be please with all of us and how much we have hung together in love and support. 
Ed placed the firemen's flag at the site...
And after the service, Dad was gently placed by my Ed... Becky's Ed and Nate.....

I like that we can "visit" often, though we are a family who knows that Dad is not there, he's in heaven with his Lord and his family and it waiting for the time when it's our turn. So, we're not the kind of family that visit gravesite often... but the idea that Dad's remains are so close by is a comfort. 
After the service and burial... we all had a little cook out together, and talked about all the memories and made plans for the summer and times ahead. As it should be... 

Livy made her rounds as well.. checking that everyone was good, and then settled into her Daddy's lap

On the ride home, I caught this rainbow in the clouds... which was odd because the sky was basically clear except for this one little spot. 

Just a reminder that all is well.... Dad is happy, healthy and whole again in heaven, he watches over us from there, and I have no doubt in mind we will see each other once again. 

In the meantime, we do our best here on earth, we love and care for each other, and do the works of the Lord to the best of our ability until we are called home. It's a big task to live up to, but I am ready for the challenge and will do the very best I can...
As for these two.... well.... rest is a good thing too.....

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