Saturday, July 08, 2017

the big reveal

It seems as though we have been waiting for this day for weeks!!! Today we finally get to know "who" will be arriving in November!!! It's reveal day..... We were all invited to Jessie's Mom's house (Terri) to have a cookout and be told the good news. 

Sadie has been keeping this as a secret...
I'm not exactly sure how Miss Abi feels about all of this.. she has no choice, a little sibling is coming. And I'm sure she has no real idea of how she feels either. But, just knowing Abi, I think everything will be just fine and she'll turn out to be a very good big sister. She has known the secret all along as well, and hasn't let one word slip out as to who it is... We have tried to catch her once or twice but she is on to us and never has been caught!!!!
Kass, Nate and the boys came too.... everyone is excited to know...
After a very nice lunch.. the revealers arrive... smoke bombs will be telling us the news.......
And the Grandfather's to be get the honors of lighting them. Course for us.. this is grand #4.. but for Jessie's side of the family, this is grand #1....
Up to this point, I'm am quite certain its a boy......
but quickly learn that I am wrong!!!! We have a little girl arriving...

Kelsey Rose!!!!
And this beautiful family will go from three to four!!!!!
Smiles and tears all around.......
and now lots of planning begins.... a baby shower to start things off....
And Cal.. you keep the honors of being the youngest boy (on our side....)

November.... sounds far away right now, but if my life continues as norm... it will be here in a moment.......

(can't wait!!!)

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