Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy birthday to.....


Today is my 48th birthday!!!! I can't tell you what it's like to be 48, because if one must "feel" their age... I can tell you... I don't feel that age!!!

I am a little girl, watching my barn come to real life and waiting to play with my horses!!! Playing "kennel" with my dogs, and hanging out with my best friend (Ed)!!! I like birthdays... I like mine.....

My Grandfather (who sadly passed three days after Ed and I were married) always loved his birthday. When most "older" folks said things like.. "I don't celebrate birthdays anymore or it's just another day"... my grandpa always said his birthdays were the best... it meant that he had been blessed to see another year, and he always looked forward to the year to come. I "adopted" that idea years ago, partly because of him, and partly because it's very true. I have been blessed with another year, and I am certainly looking forward to the one to come!!!!!

I received some pretty nice presents.. which I will show you tomorrow (as it was too dark outside to get a good pic tonite)... and as much as I love presents... it's my "gifts" that I really appreciate....

Ed, Kassy, Sadie, Nate, my folks, and sisters... neices, the "Flaggs"... friends that are almost too many to name...

my cockers, cats, horses, guinea pigs, bunny ...turtle...

a farm.....

the list is endless..... Happy birthday to me!!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

who ordered this???

I think Kas and Nate left one day too early.....

look at what they missed!!!!

AND if you are the one that ordered this.. please let me know, because I will gladly share my part......

One good thing about spring snow.... it really doens't last that long.....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

happy 11th

I just couldn't let today go by, without wishing my little Moxie dog a very happy birthday!!! I can't believe that she is 11 already.... it makes me wonder... where did 11 years of my life go???

But, here we are 11 years later, and I am so happy that she is in good health and attending dog classes every week and is my little shadow...

love you, Moxie girl!!!!!

heading home

It's a very good thing that Kassy loves living with Nate so much, and that she also loves living in the warm southern states, because it does make saying goodbye at little easier for me. I know she loves her family, but I can also see how happy she is being in North Carolina right now, and so, it's OK to say goodbye when we have to. We all met for breakfast this morning.. Ed and I, Deb and Dave, Kas and Nate... and then said our goodbyes in the parking lot.

So, this past week didn't go exactly as had been planned, but it was a very good week just the same, and it flew by!!! We had plenty of time with Kas and Nate, enjoying their company and being all together with both the families, talking about some of the plans for the up coming summer, and how it will be when Nate's term of service is completed.

We "sort of" talked about planning another trip south, but after the way things have gone around here... I have decided not to plan TOO far ahead... on anything!!!!

The "goodbye" hug looked SO much better than the "hello" hug last week... at least Ed is on his feet!!!! He was so surprised when the "kids" showed up in his hospital room last week.....

Oh, I forgot to say.... in case you didn't notice... this isn't the little blue beetle bug anymore... Kas and Nate traded it a month ago and got this little Jetta. It's a better car for them, with four doors and a "real" back seat.... should take them quite a distance.. and will certainly be a good "family" car (when the time arrives!!!)

I asked Kas to ship us some warm weather when she gets home... she said she will see what can be done about that!!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

spring project

Kas was saying that she would like to have a nice spring wreath for her door at home in NC. She hasn't had the chance to live in the south during the spring time, as Nate's past deployments have always been during this time of year, and Kas has found herself back in Maine. The wreaths that she had looked at were quite pricey, so I told her it would be easy, fun (and cheaper) to make her own. She wasn't so sure she could do it.......

But on their way over to Brentwood, Kas and Nate stopped at a craft supply shop and Kas picked up the things she would need to make her own wreath (or at least give it a shot). Last night, we went over to Brentwood as well.. to check out the progress on Deb's kitchen and to have a wonderful supper with them. After dinner, Kas pulled out her wreath making supplies and we got to work (actually I just got her started and she went from there).

It was a quick and fun project, and as you can see, Kas did a great job making up her own wreath (she can't wait for you to see it, Mandi!!!!)

since she did such a great job, I am thinking that I want to make one for my front door... might be a good project for today....

an outing....

Ed has been so tired of being "within four walls" that yesterday, he needed to get out and about. Kas and Nate had stayed over the night before, so we asked them if they would like to go to breakfast and then take a run up to see the barn. (they haven't seen it since December). We all packed up, including Sadie and three cocker spaniels and headed to Acton. Ken and Steve had planned on working on the barn while we "were on vacation", so, we knew that things would be done in our absence.

We were so pleased and surprised to find out how much they have gotten done!!! The "shed" roof on the "road side" is now in place, the one on the "wood side" is all framed and ready for roofing, most of the windows have been put in.....

AND, the framing for the tack room is in place!!! This is SO exciting for me, because I can really see what sort of space I have to work with now!!!!

The other thing that I am so happy about, is how bright the barn is inside!!! We knew it would be with all the windows that we had planned, but this is amazing. I have a "thing" about dark spaces, and I really wanted to be certain that the barn would be as bright as possible.... guess I got my wish!!!!

The other "surprising" thing is how much snow is still in Acton. I keep forgetting that when we have rain on the coast, they get snow inland, and there is probably a good three feet of it in the field. Kas and Sadie just had to climb "the mountain" and get this shot (and no it isn't all snow, there is a dirt pile under there). No flowers or leaves here, but the day was beautiful and we were certainly happy to be out and about, and all together!!!!!!

On the way home, we stopped by a place in Eliot , we had heard that they build barns, and carry the supplies for stalls (doors, hardware, dividers). I will blog a little more on this later, but will tell you that we bought some "leftovers" and "slightly used" stall hardware for a fraction of the original price and now have almost all the material to get the stalls into place. Needless to say, it was a wonderful, wonderful day and we in the hopes that it only gets better from here....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

family affair

It took Camille all of five seconds to find her favorite spot in her "daddy's" lap yesterday when Ed arrived home for the hospital. Of all our dogs, I would have to say that Camille and Hunter really "belong" to Ed. He can hardly sit a moment in his chair without having one or the other up there with him. (Camille just happened to be faster!!!, but Hunter was hanging out beside the chair and "grumbling" to Ed!!!)

So, HOPEFULLY, we are really on the mend now!!! Ed is doing so much better and is very happy to be back at home, though we have to say time and time again, that York Hospital was (is) an outstanding facility and when you feel awful, it's the place to be.

I ran and did some errands, as we were having the "family" over for a cookout and celebration of being all together. It is so great having all the kids around again, I miss them when they are away, but such is the way of life.... families do grow and go about their business.

Now, Deb and I have birthdays coming up.... but, I wanted (needed) to give her her present a little early. You see, she is now the proud owner of a new guinea pig!!!! Since Sadie has decided to keep Penelope and I am keeping Curly, we wanted to give Dottie to Deb. Deb always liked to check on the babies when she came to visit and talked about the guineas that she has had in the past, and it's nice that Dottie can still stay in the family. (that way I can visit her often!!!)

I wasn't sure what Deb had for a cage (she is probably like us and has a "million" of them some place or another,) but, for her birthday, we got her a nice new set up for Dottie!!! Deb seemed surprised, and little Dottie went to her new home last night with Deb.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie-- I sometimes wonder if he would rather be a fish than a dog. He absolutely loves the water (can't keep him out of it at the lake or anywhere else that he can go swimming) and he spent much of the "cookout/party" last night watching Titus!!! Deb has a fish tank at her house, and when Charlie is there, she says he will sit for "hours" watching her fish. Kas and Nate have fish, too, but had to put their tank up high where Charlie couldn't watch them, because he almost pushes the tank over.

What a funny dog he is....... but it's certainly nice to see him buzzing around the house with the other cockers.

The next few days promise to be busy ones with the kids home and Ed on the mend. I feel like I can finally take a breath........

Friday, March 21, 2008

the mountain comes to Mohammad...

It's been quite a day.. first off, Ed is almost back to him old self!!! He actually called me on the phone first thing this morning, and the moment I heard his voice, I knew that the worst of all this was OVER!!!! I raced to feed the dogs, and got to the hospital and we had breakfast together!! It was wonderful... and even better news, he will be allowed home tomorrow!!!!! I am so happy, that I don't even know how happy I am!!!

Now, as you all more than well know..... we didn't get to Williamsburg, which meant, no Easter with Kas and Nate. When we cancelled out on the trip, Kas asked me if she should come home. I told her no... it's a very long drive (usually about 18 hours) the weather here isn't that much fun, and with Ed being sick, we didn't know how long he would be in the hospital. Kas didn't believe me, and she even called Ed at the hospital and asked if they should come home, and he told her the same thing. Aside from the long drive, it also meant that she would have to get another day off from her nanny job, and Nate would have to be cleared for more leave.... we just thought that was too much of a hassle.

Kass told me that they would go to Ashville instead, she and Nate really wanted some time out of Jacksonville, and they haven't had the chance to see the mountains of North Carolina, and I thought that would be a good idea. So, it was settled, Ed would work on getting better and the kids would have a nice weekend in the mountains.

I got home from the hospital last night and Kass called... I asked her where they were and got this long pause.... she finally said "Maryland".... "what are you doing there?? thought you were heading to the mountains"... and she said "no we're heading to Maine".... I broke down and sobbed on the phone. It was only then that I realized I really, really, really (!!!!) wanted them home!!! "Don't tell Dad we're coming" she said, and I promised not to.

After Ed and I had breakfast, I came home for a bit to get things done, and wait for them to arrive. I was so excited when they pulled into the drive. We all went up to the hospital together... I went into Ed's room and said "something arrived at the house for you this afternoon".... "what's that" he asked... and Kas and Nate walked thru the door......Ed was completely surprised!!!!!

We had a wonderful visit together, I think that .. along with the good care... has helped Ed turn the corner!!! I guess if Mohammad can't get to the mountain... the mountain comes to him!!!!

Just because we were all together, and the quilt was in the truck (read the next blog)... I thought it would be fun to pull it out.... so, here is Kassy and Nate with their wedding gift... which is only coming about two and half years late..... but it's DONE!!!!

So, Easter doesn't look as "gloomy" as I had feared... the kids are here, Ed will be home tomorrow.... and right now, life is very, very good..... "thank you so much our Dear Heavenly Father!!!!"

"the" quilt

It is FINALLY finished... only took me two and a half YEARS to do it, but it's done!!! Here's the story...

The summer before Kas and Nate were married (2005), Kas and I were out and about , we came across this little quilt shop that I had never found before. As we entered the shop, we soon discovered that they were going out of business (which is really sad, because it was a really nice shop). Anyways, they were having amazing sales on everything, and Kas noticed a pattern for a "wedding ring quilt". She asked me if I could make one for her as a wedding gift. I told her I would, but not to expect to have it done by the wedding, and she said that would be fine.

She picked threw all the material, and got the colors that she liked, and we bought everything to make the quilt. I didn't really start on it until after they were married in October, I wanted to make it queen sized to fit her bed, and I knew that I would hand quilt it.... there is nothing like the feeling of a hand quilted quilt. The wedding ring pattern is complicated, but I took my time and worked on it here and there, and got the top done by the end of that winter. Then it was time to begin the quilting.

Finding the quilting pattern itself took long enough, and I tried several patterns before I got the one that I liked. I also quilt in a lap hoop, which isn't as efficient as a quilt frame would be, but it is portable, and since I don't have a spot for a big quilt frame, it's what I have to work with.

Like the top, I worked on it here and there, I knew it would take a long time, but I never really thought it would take two years!!! Kas would ask "how's the quilt coming" and that would spur me to pick it up and work on it again. But, after a bit it would be boring and I would put it to one side.

When we began to talk about our trip to Williamsburg, I decided that one way or another this quilt was going to be done, so I could take it to her. I worked on it solely, spent many a very late night, and even carried it anywhere that I thought I would have some time to put into it.... ask Julie, it was with me last weekend as we delivered puppies!!!!!

I finished the quilt late Monday evening, and got it washed and packed on Tuesday thinking we would leave on Wednesday... well, as you know ... we didn't leave... but, if you have read the previous blog... you know that Kassy has this quilt!!! The funny thing is... it will be right back in this house next fall when she and Nate come to live here... guess it could have just stayed here, but at least it will have some time in North Carolina!!!!

five star accommodations

WELLLLL....... it isn't exactly the five star accommodations that we had been planning on this weekend.. but when you don't feel so great, THIS is the place to be.
So, as you all know from the previous blog, Ed hasn't been feeling so great. Well, Wednesday morning we got up, and Ed said "let's not leave until noontime" but at noontime, the fever was back and so was the headache. I wanted to run him back to the ER then and there, but he wasn't quite ready to go. We had a very long afternoon together and decided that the trip was out of the question. I called Kas and Nate, and Dave and told them we wouldn't be going.. they decided to not go as well. Ed felt terrible about this (had a bit of a meltdown!!!) but the way he was feeling, it couldn't be helped.
Finally around 10:00 pm, he decided that we better go back to the ER, his fever was extremely high again (103) and the headache was more than he could bear. They are so wonderful at that ER, everyone said "oh no, you're not back again"..... they ran all the tests, which surprisingly came back normal. The doctor said, "I need to do a spinal tap" (which just about gave me the horrors!!!), but good thing they did, because they discovered that Ed has viral meningitis!!!! (which of the two is the "good" kind).
Needless to say, he was directly admitted and has been there ever since. However, this morning, he CALLED me on the phone!!!! (I felt like we were dating again when I heard his voice on the line!!!!!!) and I ran up and we had breakfast together!!! He is feeling so much better, but just sitting up for awhile was about all he could take.
So, I am home for the moment to attend the puppy dogs (do some blogging) and then I will run back up to be with him. I think he might actually be on the mend..... so.. that's the news dear blog readers.... I'll keep you up to date.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NOT on the road

This is a 'trusting" day.. so I am "trusting". We were suppose to be heading the Williamsburg this morning, but for some reason, God has decided to keep us home. I don't know why, I probably won't know why... but traveling is not in the cards.

Ed went to the doctor's yesterday and got the final word about the kidney stone... it's gone, and so he had to have the "tube" pulled from the kidney. It wasn't a "fun procedure" and he had been dreading it for days, but he got thru it, and was pretty happy to have that behind him. I spent the afternoon getting my truck ready to go.. we have decided to take mine instead of Ed's.. his gets better mileage, but diesel fuel is so much more than gas, that we figured we would make out better with my truck. And if Ed isn't up to driving, I feel more comfortable driving mine... SO... I was getting it ready when he returned from the doctor. He began to help me finish up and then quite suddenly said "I don't feel great, I think I will rest a bit". I came in shortly, made us some dinner and then I flew off to Saco to teach class... and meet up with Bobby's new owner.

When I returned, Ed said..."please get me to the hospital".. he was cherry red and HOT!!!! We raced in... he had a temperature of 103.5, they moved us to the top of the list (they were busy last night in the ER). They gave him IV fluids, and meds for the splitting headache that he had. About midnight, they said they were keeping him to monitor his heart and keep an eye on the temp. "Sadly" nothing came back.. blood work good, urine good.. white blood count up, but negative on the flu test. I came home, let dogs out, did the nightly routine and climbed into bed. It was a long day, I had been up since 5:30am. I wasn't in bed but an hour, when he called from the hospital ---they were releasing him... his temp was down to normal, heart was in rhythm, headache nearly gone... so now there was no reason for him to stay. I got dressed and picked him up.

This morning, he is still feeling pretty punky. I went and got the meds they put him on.. and about noontime, we decided not to head south, but to give "this" the afternoon and see what things look like in the am. He is napping as I write, rest is a good thing.

To say that I am not disappointed would be a lie. But here is where faith comes into play. We are suppose to be home and so it will be. I hope that we can still make the trip, but we'll cross that bridge when it appears, and be ever grateful that our Heavenly Father keeps careful watch and we must trust.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I think we are on a roll with "foster dogs" in this new year of 2008, because it feels like they have been flying in and out of here since the holidays..... this is "Bobby" (our third dog), he is another Maine cocker rescue guy. I picked him up last Tuesday, and today he is heading out to his forever home.

I don't know much about him... except that he was picked up as a stray up in Augusta, he is probably about three years old, and a sweeter boy you could not find!!!!

Because they fly in and out of the shelters pretty fast, things like grooming at not top on the list. When I picked him up, he has just been neutered, so I had to give him the week to heal before we could get these mats off and give him a proper bath.

Sadie is so much help to me with these guys. She isn't afraid of any dog and knows just how to hold them for me. Until we get them on the table, we have no idea how a grooming session will go. I am happy to report that Bobby was as sweet on the table as he has been here in the house. He had to have been someone's pet, he is comfortable in a crate, uses the doggie door (hasn't had one accident in the house) and aside from being a little "goosey" with his feet, he was excellent on the grooming table.

When possible, I like to leave a little coat on them, but sadly this boy was too matted to do that. So, it was take him down, and let his coat start all over again. He is in bad need of a excellent diet and plenty of it... he is very thin!!!! He also had quite a battle at some point and time with ticks, because there are tons of tick scars all over him!!! But he won't have those kinds of worries this summer!!! I have a good feeling that with his new Mom, he will find himself in the pampered pet department for sure!!!!

So here's "our" little guy, a bit on the naked side, but feeling so much better now that he can move about without his hair being pulled....

Happy life, sweet Bobby..... keep in touch.......

Saturday, March 15, 2008

we got snow...they got

Just for the record...

while we had rain, ice and snow in New England today...

look at what was going on in North Carolina!!!

While Charlie and Evie play in the ocean.....

the "bums".....................................

are wearing SHORTS!!!!!

got puppies??

It's been a busy week around here, thus blogging has taken a bit of a back seat... so what have I been up to? Well, first off I have a big project in progress that I can talk about right now, and second, I have been on "puppy stand by". For those of you who may not know, I am (brag, brag) an excellent puppy mid wife, and when my friend Julie has a litter on the way... she always calls on me.

This is Jesse... the Mom to be... I asked her if she had any puppies in there... do you suppose she is thinking "you got to be kidding, silly human... just look at me!!!"

Sadie has been so excited about these puppies and wanted some "lessons" in whelping, so she couldn't wait for Julie to call us!!! Yesterday, just about 4:00 pm, the phone rings... it's Julie telling Sadie and I "it's getting to be time". I am happy... an early evening litter, what could be better... we rush to get on the road. We arrive just about 5:00 and fine a very anxious Jesse... a good sign. We all get comfortable, chat for a while, and notice Jesse has gone to sleep and is quite comfortable herself!!!.. NOT the sign we are looking for...about 8:00 we have pizza, and about 10:00 Sadie and I head for home.... no more signs of labor and a dog napping on the couch... it's going to be a long night and I decided we might as well head for home.

1:30 AM... phone rings... "it's time again"... I wake Sadie and we head out. It's pouring rain and very dark... this will seem like a long ride. We get "inland" about 5 miles, and the rain is turning to snow.... inland another 5 miles... pure snow... roads aren't great and we have no choice but to go slow and get there. When we arrive Julie and Jesse have one puppy on the ground... a sweet little girl... it's begun and going well..... not too much longer and we are at two...... here's sister and brother.... just minutes old!!!!

The progression is slow and steady... no real problems, couple of big puppies that take a litttle time on their way out... but everyone arrives into the world with puppy cries and great gasps of air..... we're up to four in this photo.

It continues to snow .... I have to run out for a couple of hours to teach my Saturday morning classes... I leave the "birthing" to Jesse, Julie and Sadie....

I return to NINE puppies.... seven girls... two boys..... we stay a bit longer, but for the most part feel that Jesse is done and has done an amazing job. Julie has a vet appointment later today....

But this is one Mommy Dog who is happy that she can curl around again and takes a much deserved rest!!!

I myself, am close to crashing... I have only been up 15 hours!!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

they're back!!!!

just a couple hours ago, I peeked out the window and found this handsome fellow out on the front lawn!!!

the ROBINS are back... this is a sure sign of spring... and actually I have heard more birds singing in the mornings, funny how much I miss that wonderful sound in the winter months..

Welcome home, friends!!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

a dog's life

If you thought marines are big, brave, and strong and fierce... you are absolutely right!!!

but here, one little black and white cocker has this marine wrapped tightly around his little paw!!!!!

You can't tell me that Charlie doesn't have "it good"!!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I must be needing a dose of spring... lately I have been craving strawberries!!! I even went and bought a package of frozen ones, that I thawed yesterday. It was my plan to have them over some ice cream after dinner last night, but I must confess that I ate a good many of them through out the day!!!! Yup, I want strawberries, hamburgers on the grill, fresh veggies from the little farm stands... I want to go outside without a coat, without worrying about where the ice patches are, without having to warm the truck up for a bit before I go.... I want to walk without mittens on, ride my horse... I want a season change.

My good friend Dale works for a farm that is near her home called Spillers.... they have "pick your own" strawberries... come June, that is where you are going to find me!!!! It will probably be wise for the Spillers to weigh me before allowing me in their berry patch... for I wonder how many of those sweet berries will go right into my mouth verses my basket!!!! I remember taking Kas and Sadie berry picking... they were good pickers and unlike some little kids, never complained or got bored.. just quietly picked the berries to bring home....

We head south in just over a week... Sadie is home to house sit, and I said to Ed this will probably be one of the last vacations that we take where we are so "free"...once we are on the farm, I dare say, it will take a small army of folks to watch over things while we are gone... but for now, Sadie will manage the house and dogs and we are able to go.....I am definitely going to enjoy this trip!!!!

I went south last spring too, but it wasn't the greatest as I was there to see Nate off to Iraq and help Kas close up her apartment and come home... this year is SO much better!!!!

so, that is my "complaint" for the day..... I want strawberries..............................

Friday, March 07, 2008


I am patiently waiting for "him" this morning... our friend, "normal" will hopefully pay us a visit and decide to stay for awhile. We have missed "him" these past couple of weeks, and when he does arrive, I shall "offer him a comforty seat and serve him a fine meal" . Yes, "normal" would be very nice to have back.... and I am sure that Ed is even more anxious than I am!!!

The "second" procedure was yesterday, where they used ultra sound to "blast" this horrid kidney stone that has ruled our lives!!! I brought Ed home for the hospital, feeling rather "woozy"... but after a good lunch and some rest, he really began to perk up, and last evening, I can say, was some what back to him old self. He reported that most of the pain was gone, that "other things" were working much better, and he even tried to call Ken and see if anything has been going on with the barn. (that's a huge improvement!!! he hasn't talked or thought much about the barn lately!!!!) He is still snoozing as I write this blog this am... but I have a feeling that today is going to get back on an even keel!!!!

Now, please don't misunderstand me... our list of "all the good things that has happened" is very long!! and we are greatly blessed!!! There are so many things that "way could have been worse" with regards to this "bump" in the road, but, we certainly will be happy to have things just go the way they were headed!!!!

On another note... this is a quilt!!! and IT is DONE!!!! it has quite a story to it, and I have been very eager to share it!!! (does it seem like everything in my life has a story or do I just make them up so I have something to write on my blog? interesting question!!!) ANYWHO..... my dear friend Shirley plays "flyball" with her dogs (actually I used to with Moxie and Trevor).. and when you go to a flyball tournament, you can often get a t-shirt.
Shirley had collected a number of t-shirts and one day asked me if I thought I could make them into a quilt.... "sure, of course I can" I quickly answered (when will I be a little more careful about that sort of thing??)

So, she brings me a bag of t-shirts. I pulled them out, took a look at all the different colors and designs, different sizes, and began to think, "what I am going to do with these?" I pondered on it a while, gave up and stuffed them back into the bag and put them away for another time. Every now and again, I would haul them out, study them awhile, and put them away. I combed thru my quilting books, looking for ideas, checked out other quilts at the county fairs in the fall, nothing seemed to "hit the bill"

Shirley was great. She never bugged me about the quilt, every now and again, she would ask if I had made any progress, and I will pull the shirts out again.... but still not much happening. This past winter, she asked if there might be a chance that the quilt could be done for the upcoming spring tournament that her team hosts. I was now determined that I would come up with some pattern and get this done!!!!

Once again I pulled out the shirts and said they weren't going back.. this time, they were going into a quilt. My search for a pattern got serious. Then, on New Year's Eve when we went to L.L. Beans, I saw a quilt on display... (a very pricey quilt I might add) and all it was .. was strips of cloth about 2 inches wide and all different lengths and colors.. it was beautiful!!! BUT, even more important, it was the pattern that I had been searching for!!!

Since all the t-shirt designs were different sizes, I needed a pattern that would give me some "fudge factor" and the strips would be perfect for that!!! I went to my "dog stash" of material and picked just four pieces... I didn't want the quilt to be too busy, but I did want it interesting. Suddenly I was ready and this was going together.... expect for one little glitch. T-shirts stretch and don't stay stable. After some pondering on that one, I decided to fuse the t-shirts to some sturdy cotton and that problem was solved, the quilt came together quickly.

I brought it to Shirley the other evening.... I think she was pretty pleased with it..... I was...a promise kept and a challenge done... that makes for a good day....

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

what's going on

It's Tuesday afternoon, Ed is home from the hospital. He went in this am to see if they could "retrieve" this kidney stone... they were not able to do so. They know where it is, and now exactly how big it is, and they are definitely going to have to "blast" it with ultra sound... that will be done on Thursday. So, "we" are not out of the woods yet, but he is home, resting "comfortably" and we have a game plan for the rest of the week.

Thank you to everyone for your emails, blog comments, and phone calls, it's nice to know we have a wide circle of friends who care so much... it makes a difference!!!!

We are expecting more winter weather tonite. I had to cancel dog classes last Tuesday because of weather, and I am hoping that it will hold off long enough tonite so that I can "sneak" them in...I don't like to cancel too many, as you lose the "flow" of it after a bit!!! So, wish me luck on the ride home... this is my late class and a trip down from Saco.

The babies are growing in leaps and bounds, and are about half the size of their Mama. I have enjoyed them so much!!! They have such different personalities, but are all quite friendly. "Curley" my "favorite" (the one in the back with the little black face) is the funniest little thing . She talks all the time, and is the loudest one of the bunch!!! I told Ed that I had been thinking of sneaking her into the hospital today to sit with me while I waited for him (not really, but it sounded good)... however, she can't be quiet enough to sneak her anywhere... so even if I thought I really could have done it... she would have certainly given us away!!!!

The piggies aren't the only ones getting big so is our little niece, Naomi!!! She was here for Sadie's birthday party and what a little card she is!!! At 20 months she is picking up all kinds of words and expressions and just kept us in stitches the whole evening.
Do we have a future horseman here. She just had to get up on my carousal horse and "take a little ride". Rachel said that every horse is "Mocha"!!!! pretty funny, she hasn't seen Mocha since last fall when she went for a little ride on her.....
On Saturday, when we were under the weather a little, the cockers just laid low with us.... I guess this is what you could call a "dog pile"........ (there are three dogs in the picture.....
And that's about all the news for now.... stay tuned for future updates.....

Monday, March 03, 2008


This picture was taken quite awhile ago, I don't exactly remember when, but tonite as we are looking at yet another winter storm... I am dreaming....
dreaming about being back in that saddle, on that big black horse, enjoying the ride, the great outdoors.... enjoying life!!!
My trainer emailed today, setting up the spring riding schedule... it can't be here soon enough!!!
it's time.................................

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Ed update

This blog is a funny thing, I never realize how many "readers" I have until something like "the Ed issue" comes up, for we have received a number of emails asking what is going on.... here's the latest...

Ed spent Tuesday night and all of Wednesday in the hospital.. this was to manage the pain and get his heart meds on a plain were they will be able to "operate"..... he came home feeling better with regards to the kidney stone.. but, picked up the flu (probably in the hospital, because we had been healthy here).. so he spent the better part of Thursday and Friday laying low. He seems better this morning, but still "aches" from the tail end of this flu ..

This coming Tuesday.. he goes into the hospital (day thing) and they are going to put a scope in to see exactly where this stone is... if the doctor can grab it with the scope, he will and that could be that. IF not, he will have to go back to the hospital on Thursday (when the ultrasound machine is at York Hospital) and they will "blast" it, hopefully, breaking it up into pieces that will pass. Course they always have to tell you about "all that could happen" , one being, that it doesn't break easily, and the ultrasound will have to be repeated at a later date.

So, best case, it can be done all on Tuesday.. worst case... it can't!!!!

He did "muddle thru" Sadie's little birthday party last night with all of the family here, but went up to bed before everyone had left, and he is "way bummed" at the idea that he should have been leaving for Daytona today with the guys. Oh well, it's easy to think of so many other things that could be "way worse".... so all in all, we're in pretty good shape around here, and just have to let things run their course and not get too impatient.

Our house is so quiet today!!!!! all we have (at the moment) are our own six cockers!!! All boarding dogs and foster dogs have left!!! I have been so used to counting up to 12 on some days, that only counting 6 makes me panic for a moment and wonder who is missing..... THAT will all change shortly as I have boarding dogs coming in this afternoon and a possible foster cocker.. for the time, I think I will enjoy the peace and the easy work load!!!!!!

the March quote from the Farmer's Almanac.... Winds ululate while snowflakes accumulate! So cold it's hard to believe we'll be relieved, but Spring has sunshine up her sleeve. And thought we're wary, we know that snow is temporary!!! Sounds like spring will find it's way north!!!!!!