Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy birthday to.....


Today is my 48th birthday!!!! I can't tell you what it's like to be 48, because if one must "feel" their age... I can tell you... I don't feel that age!!!

I am a little girl, watching my barn come to real life and waiting to play with my horses!!! Playing "kennel" with my dogs, and hanging out with my best friend (Ed)!!! I like birthdays... I like mine.....

My Grandfather (who sadly passed three days after Ed and I were married) always loved his birthday. When most "older" folks said things like.. "I don't celebrate birthdays anymore or it's just another day"... my grandpa always said his birthdays were the best... it meant that he had been blessed to see another year, and he always looked forward to the year to come. I "adopted" that idea years ago, partly because of him, and partly because it's very true. I have been blessed with another year, and I am certainly looking forward to the one to come!!!!!

I received some pretty nice presents.. which I will show you tomorrow (as it was too dark outside to get a good pic tonite)... and as much as I love presents... it's my "gifts" that I really appreciate....

Ed, Kassy, Sadie, Nate, my folks, and sisters... neices, the "Flaggs"... friends that are almost too many to name...

my cockers, cats, horses, guinea pigs, bunny ...turtle...

a farm.....

the list is endless..... Happy birthday to me!!!!!


Deb said...

hHappy Birthday Sue!!!!! I can't wait to talk to you to find out how your day went! Deb

cynway said...

Happy Birthday are so Blessed Can't wait to see your barn sometime !! Cynthia

Nate & Kas said...

that cake is SO cute!! good job Sadie!!!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'll send you an E-card!!! MAybe a silly one!!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Dad wanted me to say that you're the same age as he is and that he hopes you are better looking. ;-D!!!

~Traci~ said...

Hope your birthday was great! Love, Traci, David, and Dillon

Flymaine said...

Happy Birthday Sue!!! Can't wait to see what the picture will be of...another horse? A new horse trailer? more turtles...?

Glad you enjoyed YOUR day!