Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the night of the lobster......

Lobsters have a strong smell of "fish" when being cooked, so we have found doing this outside works pretty well..... this is our gas cooker!!!

Ed gets them out of the cooler and heads them to the pot!!!

Nate and Kas offer a helping hand... (I was taking pictures for the blog!!!)

"sorry, boys".... here you go!!!!

All cooked up and ready for a fine meal!!!! They were "some good" I can tell you for sure!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?

Anonymous said...

This topic have a tendency to become boring but with your creativeness its great.

Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate it.

Flying Lily said...

Wow, I have never seen so many lobsters in one place! When I was little I came across a short story about a lobster with 'personality' being boiled and escaping from the pot - it kind of ruined lobster for me...which is silly because I know it is really good.

Anonymous said...

TO: free online lotto
Edos espanio?

I've seen a lot of lobsters, and I think they are interesting creatures...though I don't like them.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Yummy! Chris does lobster and crab for us on a regular basis. I love it-have always wanted to visit-just for the reason you pictured.
I wonder if a person can founder on lobster?