Wednesday, July 30, 2008

something new

Kas put me onto this website, where you can take your pictures and play around with them. They have all sorts of "things" you can do. I didn't do "much" to this photo, I am sort of a "sissy" when it comes to "new computer stuff"... but, I did a little playing around with it. Course the big trouble is... it's too easy to "play around with the computer" and suddenly you wonder why your muscles ache , your butt hurts and the clock is striking the time that you have lost!!!! (and you have added yet another screen name and password to remember) Anywho, I gave it a shot and maybe when I don't have "anything better" that I SHOULD be doing... it will be a fun thing to play with.....


Nate & Kas said...

good job Mom!! :)

Anonymous said...

Jolly good, Sue!

We have something like that Adobe Photoshop. I do wierd stuff to my pictures, and I still have things to learn!!!