Tuesday, July 29, 2008

York Days 2008

Sadly I did not get any pictures taken, but it's kind of hard to "MC" and take photos... so you will have have to trust me that the dog obedience demo my club did tonite was awesome!!! We had about 30 dogs there for the demo, and I would estimate that a crowd of around 400 came to watch. We started out with the "parade of dogs" where we line up large to small and show the crowd what heeling is all about, and what the stay commands are all about.

After that, the agility group set up their equipment and made some fun runs. I had picked out a couple of songs to accompany their routines... "wipe out" was one, and just as my friend Barbara began her dog with that song playing... her dog decided that she would just run her own course. The crowd went wild with laughter... course Barb was a little embarrassed that her dog didn't do her usual good work, but sometimes, the crowd would rather see the "mistakes"....

We then showed some obedience things, like recalls, retrieving and jump work... then we did "dog tricks" and ended the evening with the flyball team running their races. We even picked kids from the crowd to race against the dogs....actually this year, some of the kids won!!!

So, another demo behind me, every year I say it will be the last, but seems every year, I say yes when they call..... about next year... well, we'll see.......


Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see one of those.
All I've attended were a few fiars, a horse show, and yard sales. (actually, I was in the horse show!)

blogdog said...

I have about a dozen or so photos that Greg took at York Days, and some of them are pretty good. I'm hoping I can find the link to our online photo album so I can upload them! Do you happen to remember??