Thursday, October 02, 2008

house progress

The builders have been quite busy this week... putting in the supports for the floor and getting the "deck" on.. I now have a clear picture of the house floor plan, and even though I continually hold my breath as they easily walk across the open floor supports..... I can "see" my kitchen, living room, dining room and craft room.

I have been known to make such comments as "you did wipe your feet before walking into the kitchen?"

This has been a long process, Ken is very particular of getting everything just so. It makes good sense though, if everything is lined up, level and "perfect".. the rest of the house will go together just in the same way. He is extremely pleased with Scott's foundation and has remarked several times that it is about as perfect as a foundation could be. I guess in the 30 plus years he has been building houses, some of the foundations that he has worked with has been... well, let's just say... anything less than perfect.. couple even make the"nightmare" comment!!!! We knew we could count on Scott and his crew for a good solid base for our new home!!

The time for decisions has also come. Ed and I need to pick out a stain for the beams. Ken brought us a few choices and I think we have narrowed it down. There could be several "hundred" different choices, but I asked him to give me just a few.... sometimes having too much to choose from, isn't helpful. We know pretty much what we like and don't like... so, when we see something that isn't "right".. we know it. Unlike paint or wallpaper though, whatever we "go" with will be "it".. and in some ways, that is a scary thought!!!

This is the last time that I should see the sky from the cellar!!!!

The next big stage will be raising up some beams... there is still a lot of detail work to be done before that actually happens, but, as far as "big" work goes... that is what will happen next.

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