Thursday, July 23, 2009

day with Tonka


Rick Barnaby said...

Wow! You both look great, AWESOME job Sue & Tonk...

Alex said...

Ahh, the big boys' growing up- look at him! You should be so proud Sue- what a lot of work has gone into your dressage horse!!

ChicagoGrrrl said...

beautiful. can you explain why the leg bandages? i just dont know much about that. i do have a horse! should i be using bandages when i ride?

Midlife Mom said...

Just gorgeous pictures of you and Tonka! Especially love that last shot with the great headset! Good job!

Had lots of catching up to do with you as I haven't been on the computer much lately. A granddaughter eh?!!! You just wait, you WILL have the boots, chaps, hats, horse necklaces, if they make it you will have it! I speak from experience! haha!

Glad you had a good VBS! I wanted to take one of my ponies to ours but neither one is a good candidate for 50 little kids running around yelling excitedly. I do bring the youth groups to the house every fall for a hay ride and they get to see the ponies but they are in their stalls and not ridden.

Glad the driving is going well for your friend. We are having great success with our Kipper this year too. He is doing amazingly well this year. I think having all the new carriage roads out back now has helped a lot but he is also good in the neighborhood with cars going by occasionally. Like you say it's such a good feeling to have these successes! I wish we lived closer to where they have driving clinics and shows. It would be so good for us to watch and learn!

They're having such a hard time here getting the hay in this year. It's rained so much and so often it has just been a nightmare for them. I too have a good supply in from last year so am okay, plus being down one horse makes a big difference as he was my biggest eater. I can't believe I can type that withoug bawling. It's been almost a year since we lost Buddy and I still have days when I just can't believe he's not still out in the barn. I guess I must be making progress though. :o)

Well I guess I've gone on long enough. You're eyes are probably blurry by now! lol! No I didn't know the carousel goes the wrong way at Story Land! Interesting! It is such a great place and has been for many years. We used to take our son there and he loved it as much as my grand kids do. Had to laugh the other day, one of my friends told me that her grand kids went there and thought it was Dis*ney World! The parents said that saved them a lot of money! lol!!!