Sunday, September 06, 2009

labor day weekend... day 2 con't

sooo... while the "menfolk" were hard at work in the house, the "gals" thought it would be far more fun to play with horses. When my little niece was up last time, and had her ride in Mocha's cart, she informed me that she had really come to "ride on Silver". I told her that she would just have to come back again and we would pull Silver out for a ride. Today, she wasn't on the farm more than a few moments when she "announced" that she would like to ride Silver. Nothing doing, we pulled him out.

To be totally honest, I thought the moment that she really got close to him and remembered just how big he is (compared to her) she would totally change her mind.... ya, right. She wanted to lead him out of the barn... (don't you love her outfit... she picked it out herself!!!)

Now, we don't want Naomi to get the "wrong the idea" about horse back riding... so, we did "everything right"... first thing before riding... grooming!!!! Naomi offered to brush the legs and the far as she could reach. Then we tacked up...

And on she hopped. No fear what so ever, .. even posed and waved to her Mom taking the picture!!!!

When I asked her "where she wanted to ride".. she said "to the house, so I can show my Daddy".. and so we did... (it's hard to see, but John is standing just the other side of Silver) and Naomi is explaining her ride to him....

Big hugs to say thank you to Silver for his ride!!! As we were returning to the barn, she told me that she wanted to ride Duke next!!! I told her, she needed to grow a little more before she tried to ride Duke, and then convinced her that Mocha might be more her size... she said she "guessed so"....

and so, Mocha came out next. I think Naomi found grooming her a bit easier... at least she could reach all of Mocha's "parts"

Then she tacked up....

and hopped on for ride number two, again down to the house to show her Daddy just how well she can ride!!!

Good horses always get treats, so Naomi took Mocha out for a bite or two of grass.....

and, after that... time for chores. Can't leave a good horse in a messy stall....

"barn work is hard work!!!"
but after such a fun afternoon... it's well worth it

Naomi is still pretty certain that Duke will be her next mount.. I am amazed at how comfortable she is with the horses, actually with all the animals. I didn't get the photos, but she held the silkie chicks, walked right up to Mr. G...and just had a grand time on the farm. It was such a joy to have her here... I can just imagine what it will be like when baby Abbie arrives.....


Rick Barnaby said...

OH MY, those are the cutest pics ever... She and the new grandbaby are going to keep you busy!

Anonymous said...

Naomi was just the cutest! It looks likes she had the best time ever. I love how she dressed up in her best clothes for the horses. She was so warn out from all the cleaning that she even lost her shoe at the end! I love the pics. They really tell a story. She will love to see them when she is an adult.

Fantastyk Voyager said...

She's a little doll with her pink frills. She's so tiny next to Silver. Mocha is just her size. What a corker!!