Sunday, September 06, 2009

labor day weekend.. day two

I simply can not get over at how much was accomplished today!! Yesterday, Nate and Ed finished the "master room and bath"... and it looks just grand.... (and suddenly small)...

Today,they were right back at it. Nate gave up another day of his "three day" weekend to come and give Ed a hand. Plus, my brother in law, John (Rachel's hubby, Naomi's Dad) came for the day. Between the three guys, the work seem to go lightening quick....

Working in Sadie's room...

And in "baby Abbie's" room

and then they moved to downstairs... this will be about the last time of "see thru" walls down here

A wall in the downstairs bathroom

Baby Abbie's room..... all done except for the closet .. this is such a nice bright room with the afternoon sun!!!

And Sadie's room which will get "sun" in the morning, but still nice and bright during the afternoon....

I am so excited and pleased that with "walls" the house still has a nice open, airy, bright look. Sadie and I are talking "paint colors" already, and I can almost see "my things" in it. I can tell you all for certain, I love this house and when we are finally settled, I can't imagine one day when I won't appreciate it and feel so very blessed....

1 comment:

Alex said...

Wow- things are starting to really come together- it looks amazing sue! it wont be long now...